I truly believe there were a lot of Obama supporters who thought he was a beacon of Change and Hope! I did to at first, I really took a look at Obama and said wow maybe he is going to stop all this Govt. Corruption. He sounds like MLK...he will bring peace and dignity back to America.
I hated people in Europe thinking we are such haters and money lover and warmongers...I thought he would bring a level of respect to the White House! and then....
I saw something that really bothered me...I saw with my own eyes...Obama flip off Hillary during a campaign speech..then I saw it again....and then the song by Ludacrus....his connection to Rezko..didnt bother too much but then..Michelle was a lawyer involved...her speech....Rev Wrights speech..Obama never heard him talk like that....? The Pfluegers speech on Hillary..WHAT! Obama says nothing...then the financial crises....Black Caucus...Ayers....Franklin Raines..Johnson....Farrakan.....Meeting with Iran leader.....(i got off the Obama boat to Kenya...after Rev Wright)....and now his connection to ACORN AND ODINGA!
What a lie...what a let down.....he used his country and his so called Black brothers...to promote his own agenda...
He used the youth to promote change....CHANGE AMERICA....
as stated by Louis Farrakahn.
Sorry..and Welcome. Peace be with you!
Oh, I’ve never really been a B.O. supporter, he’s been a liar since day one, but as an infiltration unit, well yes,
I encourage every Freeper to get an account so we can all believe in the hope that is the change of hope of belief.
If I were Biden, I’d want out.
And we all thought Biden was going to embarrass Obama! Sheesh!