impimp1: “Catholicism is a big tent so you will get capitalists and socialists.”
There’s plenty of guidance in scripture concerning economics. The early church shared everything...voluntarily. Remember Ananias and Sapphira who died after withholding funds from the church? They weren’t forced to sell their land. They could have kept it or even sold it and kept all the money. They died because they donated part and lied by saying it was all the money (Thou Shalt Not Lie).
And what about the commandment against stealing? It may be more polite to have government do your stealing for you, but it’s still stealing to take money involuntarily from one person to give to another. I’m not talking about paying the shared cost of government, like roads and national defense. I’m talking about asking the government to give you someone’s money that you haven’t earned. That’s obviously theft (Thou Shalt Not Steal).
Even more to the point: The Ten Commandments.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s, wife, nor his ox nor sheep, nor anything else that belongs to him.
Covetousness—the basis for class envy and the foundation of marxism. ‘We want what you worked hard to achieve, so we’ll take it from you and give it to us’
The entire socialist/marxist philosophy is based on sin.
My 2 cents.