We're in it thick now. And it's already getting ugly. AIG getting thrashed for rewarding its top performing sales people. In Socialism, only the political class gets the perks. Who do these hard working salespeople think they are, to expect rewards for their own hard work and success? No, from now on the Party will decide who gets rewarded. It's a dark day for America.
AIG turned out to have spent what,$4000 on each person?Hardly what I would call wasteful spending for rewarding sales people.
They can reward them; take the $400K they blew divvy it up among the top performers. But throwing a $400K soiree when your corp lost billions upon billions isn't sensible. Especially when Joe Taxpayer is bailing you out against his will.
give em an inch...pretty soon you will be paying more than half your income in taxes, it will be illegal to have a cigarette before you are 18, or a drink before you are 21, or to not wear your seatblet..O WAIT!
Nobody threw a party for the hardworking crew of the Titanic.
That's a valid argument only if the company in question isn't nose-diving into the ground from 50,000 feet and then demanding a bailout.