It’s hard to even know where to start.
I particularly like this line:
A spokesman said: Once again, bigoted fringe author Jerome Corsi is trying to make money off an election, spinning garbage as journalism and relying on the right-wing echo chamber to pump up sales.
Corsi uses facts. “A spokesman” uses smears. “Bigoted,” “fringe,” “garbage.” Gee, we get a lot of factual information from those words. The information I get is that you have no facts. You fail to point out any defects in Corsi’s arguments.
Bigoted = He said something you don’t like about a protected minority.
Fringe = best-selling
Garbage = It makes us look bad.
Corsi on the phone with Quinn & Rose RIGHT NOW (7:08 AM EST). He says he’s walking up the stairs with the immigration officials as he speaks.
He was about to hold a press conference when the immigration folks came in to detain him. They “lost” his entry papers.