Posted on 10/04/2008 2:08:44 PM PDT by Maelstorm
"This is not a man who sees America as you see it and as I see America," Palin said today. "We see America as the greatest force for good in this world. If we can be that beacon of light and hope for others who seek freedom and democracy and can live in a country that would allow intolerance in the equal rights that again our military men and women fight for and die for, for all of us."
She then continued, "Our opponent though is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Wow. I'd pay good money to see that, and I'd bet we could go a long way towards retiring the national debt if we could sell tickets.
What scares me is Monica Lewinsky syndrome. Remember when that story broke and everyone thought Clinton was toast. Then the media did the “none of your business” spin and it all went away. There has to be some way to head off their evil propaganda off this time. I already see the media trying to spin this.
“Isnt making a bit of difference to his supporters.”
His supporters “want” idiots like this in charge!!!!
You need to go after that “moderate” that thinks he’s a “nice guy and will bring change”. You aren’t changing the minds of the way, not now. They have been following “The One” since the 2004 speech he gave. 40% of our electorate loves this man and there is no changing that.
Many people do not follow presidential politics closely until October... you need to get that 10% that “likes” Obama.
This is the time to bring this up. Obama needs months, not weeks, to defend these relationships!!!!! I think Hillary would have hit him harder on Rezko, but she probably had some ties to him as well. There is no excuse for Ayers or Rezko.
I love how the left will tout Ayers, Rezko, and Rev. Wright as “patriots” and/or “caring people” yet will throw cinder blocks at someone like Jack Abramoff as if he were satan incarnate.....they’re all criminals for God’s sake!!!! All of them. Well, Wright isn’t so much a criminal, but an idiot!
4 weeks...let’s hope this picks up steam!!!!
It shows how much trouble they think this could be that they felt the need to put a spokesman on Fox on a Saturday afternoon.
I still want to see an ad about Rev. Wright spewing hate for America.
As I've stated on another thread, this has got to be the lamest excuse ever. He was only 8 when the bombings happened. So freaking what??
If you know as an adult that the person you are associating with is responsible for bombing buildings, regardless of when they did it, should you associate with them?
I could excuse it away somewhat if Mr. Zero met Ayers when Mr. Zero was 8, and never saw him again, but that is not the case. Zero was an adult when he associated with Ayers.
Whether the MSM knows it or not, this brings up the issue of the lack of judgement of Mr. Zero.
“discussion matters of personal judgment” Whoops! I meant to write: discussing matters of personal judgment
I agree with your post but you're wrong here. Palin's a superstar no matter what happens in this election.
Keeping one's powder dry isn't a bad idea.
Yes that was a gret moment!
I think it was the same Saudi prince who got him in by handing over a hefty grant to Harvard (for a building). Obama got to be editor of the law review, without writing any articles...(first time this has ever happened). Same Saudi prince tried to buy off Rudi. G. $10 million right after 9/11, and Rudi told him to stuff it.
Isnt making a bit of difference to his supporters.
Probably true and those aren’t the ones being addressed by Palin. It is an attempt at winning the undecideds/independents etc who aren’t in Obama’s camp just yet. Obama like McCain will keep most of his supporters no matter what so go after the voters that are there to make the change.
Right. This is a description of the man, not an “attack.”
That's not quite right. Swiftboating was/is telling the truth! The Dems and the MSM have tried to twist the term to mean something it's not. To cover Kerry's behind, they said it was lying. It was always about the truth!
Sarah sounds like she’s been palling around with Hannity. This is awesome!!
‘Bout time.
Happiness is...
When your opponent expects a swift-boat attack, but not a nine-gun broadside.
I think she's got Barack's range. Fire for effect, Sarah!
She is sure easy to look at and easy to listen to!
God Bless Sarah
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