Obama and the DNC are being sued to produce his vault copy Birth Certificate. The Senator is refusing BECAUSE he was adopted, his adopted name is Barry Soetoro, and he is an Indonesian citizen who, as an adult, swore allegience to Indonesia so he could travel in 1981, on an Indonesian passport, to Pakistan.
If you don’t believe this or take issue with this situation, go pound sand!
The thing is, none of this would affect his original birth certificate, the one issued when he was born, IF he was actually born in Hawaii. From what some of his own relatives have said, I believe he was born in Kenya.
All of this, even if true, is comprehensively irrelevant.
Obama was born in the USA and is therefore a native born citizen.
American citizenship can only be voided by a precisely defined renunciation process. If this is not done, American citizenship remains in effect for life. US law doesn’t care in the least whether some other country considers you to be a citizen. I could acquire citizenship in 27 countries under their laws, and my American citizenship would remain in effect unless and until I formally renounced it following the prescribed procedures.
For heaven’s sake, people. The American Taliban fought against and killed American soldiers. He is no doubt guilty of treason, but he is still an American citizen. Americans who defected to USSR or North Korea remain American citizens unless and until they formally renounce that status.
That sounds about right. But he does have a black father and a white mother. It is likely that they produced Obama. There is a picture of Obama Senior and his white mama and Obama together.
There's really no need to be nasty about it. It's still hearsay at this point, as the "disclaimer" admits:
DISCLAIMER: I am reporting information from a third party, and have no independent collaboration [sic] or documentation of such claims.
What nation’s passport does he travel on today?