Pelosi is on tv now saying that she delivered her side! What a crock of pickles. 41% is NOT delivering her side. She is the head of the majority, and could not delvier a majority vote! So what do 41% of dems know that we don’t .
I am confused!!! How can 41% of Democrats vote against this bailout and Nancy Pelosi blames the Republicans for the failure to pass it? Oh, yeah, just more nonsense from the leader of the House.
Why is it that the position of Speaker is always filled with idiot hacks no matter the Party.
What a joke!
Well that means that 2/3rds of the GOP voted against it as opposed to only a little over 1/3 of the Dems. That argument appears ludicrous on it’s face.
Democrats are Scum. They caused the problem, it’s their bill, and they want Republicans to pass it for them. If they want to give $700 billion to their crooked buddies on Wall Street, let the Democrats do it for themselves. There is no reason Republicans should take the blame for it.
TRANSLATION: the house rats want to get reelected, the more that is unveiled with this scam, the more the American public is telling them to stuff the bailout
Does anyone have a voting list by member?
I heard that 97 Dems voted against it. Problem is, the ones I heard during the debate that said they were going to vote no were doing so for the wrong reasons. They did not like the bill because it did not have enough giveaways in it.
They wanted extensions for unemployment, relief from credit card debt and automobile loans, etc. etc. etc. In other words, they want to become the nations bank and divey money out the way they see fit.
I wanna see how my Rat, Nick Lampson, voted since he is up for reelection against a strong Conservative challenger Pete Olson.
Well, shucks....I have one question...
Who are the REAL PATRIOTS now Marxist Nancy Pelosis?
{Ms. Fannie and Freddy Mac}
Answer: The men and women who vote for their people.
We are out here and you can’t make us go away......
Thirty-four percent voted for this monstrosity, eh? Well, I guess we’ll know which GOP reps NOT to support.
In 2006, the Democrats fooled Americans into voting them control of Congress by running "conservatives" against Republicans. Now they're surprised that those "conservative" Democrats are not lining up in lock-step to support Pelosi?
Pelosi, Fwank, Emmanuel & the other usual suspects are blaming Republicans, very concerned about the country, and so forth. I think Bawney just said he was going to find 12 Repubs and offer them oral sex.
Pelosi, Fwank, Emmanuel & the other usual suspects are blaming Republicans, very concerned about the country, and so forth. I think Bawney just said he was going to find 12 Repubs and offer them oral sex.
"If fingers were guns, we'd be rid of this mess."
a fact that will conveniently be ignored by the maistream media and that witch Pelosi. Nothing ever changes.
Boehner is showing more leadership than I’ve seen in years. Talk about a line in the sand. We owe these brave few our support!!!