What I don't get is why this is so much worse than the other hundred or so murders in Philidelphia so far this year. Is the cop more important than the other people killed. Is his a greater loss to society than say a convenience store clerk who was killed? What about the guy on septa who was murdered by a band of black thugs back in the spring? Was the "city reeling" because of that? At least the cop was armed and had a chance against the criminal. Philadelphia's government continues to aid and abet criminals by keeping the law abiding disarmed and helpless.
While I agree that any murder is tragic, the difference here is that the LEO works to protect society. The convenience store clerk has no such duty. The murder of a member of society with a special trust and confidence should generate far more angst than that of the gentry simply due to that status.
It's not more tragic but it is more frightening. The police are armed at all times, openly. On the other hand, everyone else in the city is forbidden to be armed. The criminals, of course, are exempted. Traditionally, even if a criminal would cold bloodedly murder people indiscriminately, they generally think twice about shooting at cops. When they stop fearing the police, anarchy follows. With four dead cops in one year, it appears to be here.