He's so desperate he's telling his true believers to get in their neighobors' faces about what racists they are if they don't vote for The One.
That's better than any thousand attack ads McPalin could run.
I get infuriated at the Orwellian term “Fairness Doctrine.”
It is the the “Republican/Conservative/Independent/Libertarian Free Speech Thug Cessation by Marxists Doctrine”
wouldn’t it be something if the evening news had to give conservative balance to their leftist talking points?
VRWC would need to set up offshore internet “pirate” sources to overcome this. How far off the coast would Rush need to get to be outside the jurisdiction of Baraq?
Sort of like Google’s “data barges”
It should be called the Unfairness Doctrine.
Of course he will try to reimpose the Fairness Doctrine to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with him. If you don’t believe the Democratic Party leaders on their desire to impose it all you need to do is listen to his comments about how voters are listening to bad sources of information and the two attacks he directed his followers to make against WGN when they had guests that he didn’t like. The two attacks are cyber versions of the tactics used by the Brown Shirts prior to taking power and by Woodrow Wilson’s people when he was in power. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Democrats and Barack Obama try to install the systems that Woodrow Wilson wanted in WWI to prevent opposition to his programs.
So how many conservatives anchors would be added to the alphabet networks readings of the nightly news?
If the “Fairnes Doctrine” is ever reinstituted in the future, its a guarantee that the battle will be settled in the federal courts. Maybe even reaching the SCOTUS. Call it what it is. The FD is an unconstitutional, anti-free speech political tool of the leftwing.
The airwaves are already ‘open’.
It’s just that Marxism doesn’t sell. So laws must be passed to cram it down our throats.
We could demand Rush Limbaugh be given air time ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR etc....
Based on three execution-type murders who were members of Barry’s church, and a detractor who was “disappeared” by the Delaware AG following a news conference, we have a LOT more to worry about than the Fairness Doctrine. No accusations, but the facts have been obfuscated.
First off, I give Øbama ZERO chance at winning, so I’ll answer the question using an alternate universe with Øbama as President.
The outrage would be nothing like we’ve ever seen before and Øbama would be seen as a fascist extremist.
Will Rush Limbaugh be co-hosting the news with Katie Couric, or will this only apply to “right wing” speech.
Enacting this would DESTROY the democrat party with the exception of the far, far, far left, reducing them to the fringe party they deserve to be.
It is surreal that PBS and NPR are funded by taxpayers; every network, magazine, newspaper and college, save a few, are all Left Wing and they want more “balance”?
The oppose e-verify, too.
At what point do we re-take this country back?
Per the Wall Street Journal September 11, 2008, “Obama’s Lost Years,” Obama graduated from Columbia University (to which he transferred after his first two years at Occidental College in California), with a degree in Political Science without honors, so had a GPA less than a 3.3, and perhaps far, far lower, perhaps even in the 2.0, C range. His roomate Sohale Siddiqi indicated Obama itially felt alienated, felt “very lost,” and used drugs to get high, which could have led to very low grades initially. The roomate indicates that he then turned serious and “stopped getting high.” Obama transferred to Columbia because “I was concerned with urban issues and I wanted to be around more black folks in big cities.” Based on his less-than 3.3 GPA, it seems likely his admission to Harvard Law School was based not on his own merit, but rather on Affirmative Action. Obama through September 11, 2008 has continued to refuse to release his Columbia transcript with the exact course details and GPA.....As an Affirmative Action student, he feels he needs to ‘get back’ at those he made him one. ?????