And the unknown governor of two weeks before is now the most popular Republican politician in the country.
The real reason for Palin Panic. Even if, God forbid, Obama wins in Nov. We still have a future with folks like Sarah Palin around. We will not lie down ever! We will fight for the fundamental beliefs of individual liberty and economic freedom. It will be impossible for the ‘progressives’ to achieve their desired goals without us, the productive, the makers, the hosts!
Who knows? We may end up seeing it in 2012.
“Didn’t know that CBS would reprint a Weekly Standard article. Refreshing and surprising!”
The MSM is starting to assess its future with a McCain presidency. If I were McCain, I’d be circulating rumors that I was considering a presidential press corps that excludes all of the MSM, from the alphabet tv and cable news services to the NYT and the WaPo. I’d circulate the rumors because that’s exactly what I’d do. The partisnaship of the MSM is no longer even arguable, regardless of how many Weekly Standard columns they reprint.
Neat article!
Tod Lindberg is still alive? I thought he was either dead or lost in the wilderness somewhere.
Haven’t heard much from Tod lately. Good to see he’s still writing.