“that she seems to believe as much or more in a Christian theocracy than in American democracy”
WTF? How does he think he can get away with this? What is he basing it on, the let’s pray that we’re doing God’s will speech? Wasn’t that speech basically Lincoln’s Second Innagural?
What is he basing it on, the lets pray that were doing Gods will speech? Wasnt that speech basically Lincolns Second Innagural?
And it’s an very similar to Obama’s Wailing Wall Prayer...
“WTF? How does he think he can get away with this? what is he basing it on, the let’s pray that we’re doing God’s will speech? Wasn’t that speech basically Lincoln’s Second Innaugural?”
he HAS gotten away with it, just as all irresponsible liberals do and you haven’t seen anything yet. they’ve only begun to load the cannon and you are going to see the most adolescent, psychotic, puerile prairie pancakes imaginable presented as opinions from the “mainstream”. (but, it will definitely be from the mainstream: the mainstream culture of liberal onanism where foul
obnoxiousness is born.)
And we remember what happened to HIM!