My take on it is that Palin has a firm grip on our national security, where Obama has none. The man is a fricken fruit loop when it comes to international relations and the military in general.
He wants to disband our military. He thinks chatting with terrorists will resolve all our problems. And Palin sounds dangerous to these people? Do they even know what Obama has said?
What I find hilarious is Dems questioning Palin's knowledge of national security issues. It's probably true that there are other Pubbies who would step into the job with more knowledge and adeptness than Palin has at this moment. This still puts her ahead of every Dem pol on that issue with the possible exception of Joe Lieberman. I would bet that what Palin has learned in the last two weeks and what she will learn in the first year of her term will be greater than what the collective Dem nitwits know about national security.