“There is no doubt in my mind that as long as McCain wins, Sarah Palin WILL be the first female POTUS. “
The possibility of living to see the first female President and a conservative and not named Hillary is what did it for me. Let Sarah pick a minority good conservative as a running mate next time and the republicans can do away with that hurdle as well. Do away with the race and gender problem and what will the left have to whine about? Oh, sure they’ll find something...guns maybe, well let them....we’re armed and they’re not!!! LOL
My gut tells me that McCain will retire after one term and Sarah would almost certainly be the next nominee. I think her best bet would be Bobby Jindal or Michael Steele.
Like you I could care less about a candidate’s race or gender, but I also realize that we will NEVER quit hearing about it until a black and a woman get elected. The irony is that after this election ALL of the viable female and minority candidates will be Republicans.
Palin/ Watts 2012