WHICH guys?
They are churned out (kids) big time in Indianapolis!
I’m puzzled as to what you’re suggesting, so maybe you can clarify. Are you saying that because every case of a minor getting pregnant isn’t pursued, none of them should be?
Years ago a buddy of mine got a job in Naptown running down gas line leaks. He discovered that most of the lines in the black areas of the city had leaks sufficient enough to kill all the grass and shrubbery in the lawns.
He deduced it wasn't so much the children running everything, but the gas "burning" it out.
Another rule of thumb ~ people who send their kids outside to play seem to have more children than those who keep their kids inside glued to the TV or the videogames.
What we need are some census data to show us that any specific ethnic group is "churning out kids" at a greater rate than any other ethnic group, or that welfare mothers are proliferating faster than we might otherwise imagine.
Numbers, numbers, numbers ~ who has got the numbers?