I think it's clear that he merely left out a word such as "putative" or "ostensible" before "Muslim."
From a partisan standpoint, I have to admit that I would have preferred that he had done something that reprised his recital of the shahada (which he recited for the New York Times last year), but I find it clear that this slip was innocuous.
Reciting the shahada was anything but innocuous; it was clear declaration that he is indeed a professing Muslim. It was the most remarkable thing that I remember in any presidential campaign.
This minor verbal slip, though, I believe is not significant.
Thanks to UCANSEE2 posting the link to the longer piece, allowing for context, you are correct about Obama's leaving out the adjective. The other poster here who claims it was said in the quote-unquote manner is not correct, Obama does not put in the air quotes with a tone of voice when he says Muslim -- he did misspeak, rather than make a Freudian slip. At least this time, unlike Hillary's exciting and vividly detailed description about an occurrence which never took place, this was the definition of misspoke.
post 160
I’d love to have it asked of him:
“When was the last time you recited the shahada, and will you now unequivocally renounce it?”
Re#251 ‘Morning. Agreed and well said...