To: Cincinna; nctexan; MassachusettsGOP; paudio; ronnie raygun; Minette; fieldmarshaldj; untenured; ...
Sarko steps up to the plate and reads the riot act to Iran.
What a wonderful working team Sarko and McCain will be in the fight against Islamo-Fascism.
2 posted on
09/05/2008 12:28:21 AM PDT by
To: Cincinna
I think Iran is expecting Israel to attack in near future.
They would be working on their surprises, and Israel and U.S. would be doing the same.
4 posted on
09/05/2008 12:40:11 AM PDT by
(kim jong-il, chia head, ppogri, In Grim Reaper we trust)
To: Cincinna
I see that Mr. Sarkozy is not holding direct talks without pre-conditions with Iran.
Israel hasn't even held direct talks with Syria since 2000.
6 posted on
09/05/2008 12:46:14 AM PDT by
("Those who control language control minds." - Ayn Rand)
To: Cincinna
Sarko is one tough and very smart dude. The mullahs should listen.
To: Cincinna
What a wonderful working team Sarko and McCain will be in the fight against Islamo-Fascism.That's re-assuring. I'm interested in seeing/learning more on how McCain will handle foreign policy with emphasis on the ME and Asia. I'll be reading as much as I can on these threads.
Glad I'm not making the calls in that arena. Yet I think that McCain will have sufficient experience and a good group of advisors to assist him.
9 posted on
09/05/2008 1:00:39 AM PDT by
(Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
To: Cincinna; AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; ...
11 posted on
09/05/2008 8:18:20 AM PDT by
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