Never compromise with socialists. It will come back to haunt you. We need to force them to open ANWR to drilling. We now have the opportunity to do that at the ballot box in November.
It's not hard to understand; but it is hard to accept:
They want shortages of life-sustaining commodities.
They want our economy in the tank.
They want to fund our enemies.
So we "trade" 2000 more acres to the Communist envirowackos and after they get it, they go back to some "court" and get one of their "judges" to tell us we still can't drill in ANWR. This isn't a good idea. We're dealing with anti-American/anti-capitalists here who are "trying to save the planet" by destroying America's economy and taking total control over the American people.
That’s not a solution.
How bout 100% of “federal” land is turned over to the state?
And for that matter, then 90% of that land is turned over to, I don’t know, actual citizens.
The feds shouldn’t own anything; they should be guests paying rent for the privilege. The amount of land “owned” by gov’ts (fed and state), that is, locked away from citizens’ with any productive use barred, is inexcusable.
Sell it all, put the money towards retiring the federal debt, and couple it with an amendment requiring spending never to exceed revenues and a 75% vote to raise any tax and a 25% to lower/remove any tax.
Oh... but the ANWAR tundra is special and I’m certain is just teaming with little forest creatures that will be killed or poisoned if we drill there. (sarcasm)
Thanks Ernest.
Heh heh... that’s what’s known as an end run... and this needs to be pushed, hard, so that the Demwits get to go on record, once again, as being against drilling and against domestic production of energy.
An insane idea.
ANWR is ALREADY the result of a land swap.
The coastal plain (area 1002) was set aside for oil/gas exploration in a deal to double the size of ANWR with the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.
The deal has never been upheld after the land grab was completed.
Just change the name to the Anwar National Mosquitor Refuge.