Posted on 08/24/2008 8:10:04 AM PDT by pissant
The Annenberg Political Factcheck website has published photographs and an analysis of what it says is the "original birth certificate" of Barack Hussein Obama II. While the physical document depicted in the photos resemble the document image previously scanned and published by the Daily Kos website and Obama's own "Fight the Smears" site in June, FactCheck's case for authenticity and its claims to objectivity are undermined by a litany of process flaws, conflicts of interest and factual inconsistencies that raise doubts about its motives and methods of those of the Obama campaign.
The report, titled "Born in the USA," accompanied by an image of the Bruce Springsteen album cover, starts:
In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."
We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.
FactCheck claims that its staffers have "seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate" begs the question and obscures the truth. In fact, the article later goes on to make clear that this is in fact not "the original birth certificate" but "a 'certification of birth,' also known as a short-form birth certificate. The long form is drawn up by the hospital and includes additional information such as birth weight and parents' hometowns."
"The Hawaii Department of Health's birth record request form does not give the option to request a photocopy of your long-form birth certificate, but their short form has enough information to be acceptable to the State Department. We tried to ask the Hawaii DOH why they only offer the short form, among other questions, but they have not given a response."
This would seem to suggest that Factcheck went through the process of requesting the birth certificate (after all, why else reproduce and link the request form?), but no -- it turns out that they had a special invitation to visit the birth certificate at its residence, as if they were visiting some long lost relatives or a reclusive celebrity:
"Recently FactCheck representatives got a chance to spend some time with the birth certificate, and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago."
For an organization that claims to be fastidious with the facts, the sentence is vague and overly cute. Who made the invitation to "spend some time with the certificate"? How exactly did it happen that they "got a chance"? Did FactCheck approach the Obama Campaign or did the Obama Campaign approach FactCheck? And what are the forensic analysis credentials of the FactCheck staff that allows them to conclude definitively that the birth certificate is real and original?
And when is "recently"? The controversy over the birth certificate has been raging for ten weeks. Was it coincidental that it would emerge right after Obama returned from his "vacation" in Hawaii? The claim of "recently" is thrown into further doubt by the revelation that embedded date information in the photographs indicates that the photos were taken nearly a half year ago. posted 9 photographs of what it claimed were different aspects of Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth", all in less than optimal and idiosyncratic lighting conditions. All of them were taken over a less than seven minute period on March 12, 2008 from 10:40:18 to 10:47:02 at night.
No wonder FactCheck sufficed left it a vague "spend some time" when the duration of the entire photography session took 6 minutes and 44 seconds. Talk about: "Wham, bam, thank you, Obama!" Does that sound like a serious and thorough examination to
FactCheck will need to explain these hard chronological facts, which can be verified from the published photos by anyone with an EXIF reading tool, publically available on the net and as part of graphics software.
If the embedded graphical information is correct, it means that FactCheck is lying about doing the photo session "recently" and may be lying about much more, since it would be implausible that "FactCheck" was even checking facts about the birth certificate in March 2008.
Factcheck may try to argue that the photographer "forgot" to set the correct time. But that would further illuminate the shoddy level of professionalism in disregarding the need for exact documentation of the date, a carelessness echoed in the introductory remarks of its article ("recently" is not a fact, especially when it is not clearly associated with the location of the photo shoot ? where the documents "reside" is hardly the same thing). If so, FactCheck would also need to show some other published photos published with the same camera that show an identical offset between the camera's time and the real time.
Exactly for such reasons -- the lack of professionalism, exactitude and transparency concerning the provenance of this paper and the circumstances of the photographic session -- the reasonable demand from the skeptics -- who were initially made suspicious by the fact that the purported certificate image was published first (initially in relatively low resolution and only later in high resolution) in the far-left partisan Daily Kos blog -- has always been that the paper certificate must be subjected to the scrutiny of objective media or document forensics specialists, and mainstream journalists who can ask the hard question not just about this document image or that document image but examine it for themselves and query Obama himself about the many lingering mysteries and evasions in this whole affair.
It is striking, too, that Newsweek reprints the FactCheck report under the organizational byline without the minimal scrutiny that one would expect from a serious news magazine. In effect it is an advertorial serving the interests of the Obama campaign, not an objective piece of journalist.
FactCheck itself, as a project primarily funded by the Annenberg Foundation, hardly fits the bill of being a disinterested party, especially given Obama's four year stint as founding chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, currently being investigated due to its massive withholding of papers which document the catestrophic failure of the project, including public funds wasted under Obama's leadership, and his relations in that project with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers.
Most curious, too, is the apparent lack of curiosity of FactCheck in pursuing the original "long-form" birth certificate that was supposedly used as the basis for the short form. After all, Barack Obama refers explicitly to possessing this document in "Dreams from My Father". Since FactCheck apparently has sufficiently close relations with the Obama teams to merit the exclusive privilege of being invited to "spend some time" (or at least 6 minutes and 44 seconds) with the reclusive short-form, one might think that if they were really interested in checking facts or examining original records they would doggedly pursue the paper source document -- the real thing from 47 years ago, not something cleaned and extracted from a database and thus subject to all kinds of potential revision and redaction.
Rather than asking the hard questions of Obama himself, or even the Obama campaign, or even requesting additional documents from the State of Hawaii in the public interest (they said they "tried" to ask about the long form but failed to get an answer), FactCheck falls back on the rather lame claim that the short form has "enough information to be acceptable to the State Department" and goes so far as to include a footnote linking to the State Department's Passport application requirements.
But isn't that bar set a bit too low for the man who wants to be President, especially as you can be a citizen without being natural born, especially when there are multiple reports coming from Kenya -- including several from Obama's own relatives -- that he was actually born in Kenya and came to Hawaii only days after birth, apparently at his mother's insistence that he would be recorded as being born in the USA? Apparently not too low for FactCheck. From their report it would appear that they are not interested or, perhaps more correctly, conflicted in their interests.
The photographs themselves of course superficially resemble what a real short-form certificate should look like, although it is impossible to ascertain from a series of jpg images. Remarkably, for an organization which purports to be dedicated to checking facts, no high resolution of the document's two sides was made so that professionals could compare that scan with the scan previously published in the Daily Kos. The Obama headquarters has no scanner? FactCheck has no scanner? Only a Canon Powershot 570 with an unset date? Or perhaps they were granted a mere six minutes and 44 seconds and had no time for a scan.
Comparing the high resolution Daily Kos scan (as opposed to the scan originally published) with the FactCheck photos, there are obvious and dramatic differences. The scan shows only the thinnest of fold marks at the top and none below, no seal and no signature block. Oddly, only the June 6, 2007 date stamp is visible. Only after extreme manipulations of the Daily Kos image did some graphic specialists managed to squeeze out the blurred and color enhance image of something that just might be a seal or a signature block. But even then, not in the correct size or expected location.
Those stark differences clearly validate the skepticism with which the scan was regarded by Israel Insider and others from the start. Why, then, did it take the campaign ten weeks to produce photos that show the missing seal, signature block and deep fold marks, so deep that they disrupt some letters and print of the seal? What changed between June 12 and August 21?
Then there is the issue of the redacted file number which for the last ten plus weeks has been blacked out . Here's the explanation that comes from the Obama campaign, according to FactCheck:
We asked the Obama campaign about the date stamp and the blacked-out certificate number. The certificate is stamped June 2007, because that's when Hawaii officials produced it for the campaign, which requested that document and "all the records we could get our hands on" according to spokesperson Shauna Daly. The campaign didn't release its copy until 2008, after speculation began to appear on the Internet questioning Obama's citizenship. The campaign then rushed to release the document, and the rush is responsible for the blacked-out certificate number. Says Shauna: "[We] couldn't get someone on the phone in Hawaii to tell us whether the number represented some secret information, and we erred on the side of blacking it out. Since then we've found out it's pretty irrelevant for the outside world."
That's odd. The "rush" to release the document? Who exactly was rushing them? The bloggers over at Daily Kos? Why was the Obama campaign in such a "rush" if there was no problem and no real pressure to produce. They couldn't wait another few hours or a day to talk to the Hawaii Health Department before rushing to print at the Daily Kos? And then, after the redacted document was up, they couldn't have replaced it with an unredacted image?
Only last week, the Honolulu Advertiser quoted Janice Okubo, Director of Communications in Hawaii's Department as Health, as saying that with the file number one could hack into the system. "Potentially, if you have that number, you could break into the system." Okubo seems on intent on defending the Obama campaign even if she admits that the image they presented as authentic lacked visible stamps and seals. "They responded and apparently it isn't good enough that he posted his birth certificate," Okubo said. "They say they want it because they claim he is not a citizen of the United States. It's pretty ridiculous."
So which is it? Is the file number irrelevant, as the campaign now claims, or is it a data that could be used to hack into the system, as Hawaii claims. If it is irrelevant, why is Janice Okubo providing excuses for the Obama campaign? If it is dangerous for data security, why is the Obama campaign ignoring that danger? And why does Okubo say it's "ridiculous" to be asking questions about the provenance of a vital record of a presidential candidate when the proffered proof clearly lacked the requisite stamps and signatures. Or did Obama's people and Okubo have a heart to heart between body surfing sessions at Waikiki?
Despite the points scored by the Obama campaign in gaining high level media coverage for a favorable puff piece, the FactCheck photospread -- revealing so much that the scan did not --unwittingly serves to validate the legitimacy of the probing questions and analyses that have been asked over the past two and a half months by Israel Insider and various bloggers, document examiners, and average citizens.
While the quality and consistency of the analyses of these amateur sleuths have been irregular, and have taken wrong turns on several occasions, shouldn't the burden of proof for documenting one's citizenship and producing the original vital records fall on the candidate and the legal authorities empowered for this purpose, not ordinary citizens disturbed by the lack of transparency of a presidential candidate and his arrogant unwillingness to produce documents expected of regular Americans?
The FactCheck report may have Obamatons humming "Born in the USA", but anyone serious about getting to the truth of Obama's constitutional qualifications will be disappointed by their casual and smug report. And they will expect more from a candidate who, like the protagonist in the opening lines of the Springsteen song, seems to "spend half [his] life just covering up."
The evidentiary and analytical shoddiness of the FactCheck report, both in terms of the dubious dating of the photos, the inexactitude in the circumstances of the shoot, apparent inconsistencies between the photos and the scan, and the failure to pursue the more significant, truly original, long form birth certificate, all point to the inadequacy of the proof presented to date to validate Obama's claim to being a "natural born" US citizen.
That question, it now seems, will need to be answered in federal court.
“Are you saying theres no connection between Obama and the Annenberg foundation?”
Obama was on the board of the Annenberg Challenge, one of many charitable organizations that receives funds from the Annenberg foundation.
“You are being disingenuous.”
No, I’m telling the truth.
“The court has an obligation to throw out trivial lawsuits. The first threshold has been passed.”
Please tell me how long the multi-million dollar drycleaner lawsuit took to get tossed.
“Bull shiite. Who are you shilling for?”
Telling the truth isn’t shilling.
“Welcome to Free Republic, newbie.”
Welcome to the real world and check my more than year old profile. It’s called research, though it is obvious from the rest of your post that you have never heard that word.
“You don’t listen very well. I’ve already proven my case.”
I do listen, and no you have not. If you had proven it, you would have filed your own suit and won it easily.
yes it can.
No, it means that it doesnt take much to go over the head of an idiot like yourself.
***Then explain this ridiculous sentence, Einstein.
Proof that is is real is the absence of proof that it is fake, therefore you are the one who has the burden.
So, by your own freeping words, “Obama was on the board of the Annenberg Challenge, one of many charitable organizations that receives funds from the Annenberg foundation.” There’s an obvious link to Obama, the Annenberg foundation, and the Annenberg group. Thanks for making my point for me.
Please tell me how long the multi-million dollar drycleaner lawsuit took to get tossed.
***I’ll do better than that. I’ll tell you that you are an idiot. That lawsuit lasted longer than it should have because the complaint had merit, but the DAMAGES were out of proportion, so the judge waded through the factual complaints before any damage assessment. But an Einstein like you wouldn’t know that, because you’re so much smarter than a guy like me.
Welcome to the real world and check my more than year old profile.
***Ooohh, a whole year. Wow. Congratulations, you must be real proud. From your argumentation capabilities I gather that my first year of freeping was past before you learned how to ride a bike.
Its called research, though it is obvious from the rest of your post that you have never heard that word.
***Big Word, Research. Show some, newbie. Better yet, just stay on this thread responding, continuing to make my points for me. Notice that your fact-to-insult ratio is approaching zero. You need to pump up on your facts more, spend a few more years as a freeper before you start touting your seniority, and take a critical thinking class at the local community college. I look forward to your next post, this is fun.
Methinks you watch too many TV court shows. OK, I'll play. What would my claim be?
Magic 8-ball predicts that TheNewPundit will not last much longer on FR.
***I didn’t realize that. Maybe if his facts/insults ratio were not a big zero, he’d get better Magic 8-ball results.
“Then explain this ridiculous sentence, Einstein.”
That one went over your head also I see.
“So, by your own freeping words, Obama was on the board of the Annenberg Challenge, one of many charitable organizations that receives funds from the Annenberg foundation. Theres an obvious link to Obama, the Annenberg foundation, and the Annenberg group. Thanks for making my point for me.”
A link that means nothing to anyone who has a brain. Your contention is that this link means that Obama is using factcheck to hide. This is the contention of a complete idiot.
“That lawsuit lasted longer than it should have because the complaint had merit”
You didn’t do one better at all. The case would have taken ten minutes if what you said was true because the defendants offered to pay for the pants. The judge could have easily told the plaintiff to accept payment.
“Ooohh, a whole year. Wow. Congratulations, you must be real proud. From your argumentation capabilities I gather that my first year of freeping was past before you learned how to ride a bike.”
Only if FR is a few decades older than the internet.
“Big Word, Research. Show some, newbie. Better yet, just stay on this thread responding, continuing to make my points for me. Notice that your fact-to-insult ratio is approaching zero. You need to pump up on your facts more, spend a few more years as a freeper before you start touting your seniority, and take a critical thinking class at the local community college. I look forward to your next post, this is fun.”
That will have merit the moment you finally make a VALID point.
“Methinks you watch too many TV court shows. OK, I’ll play. What would my claim be?”
You keep claiming to have made your case. If you can’t answer your own question, then you admit that you have not made your case.
I accept your apology.
Facts — quite the large number.
Insults — less than the number hurled at me by the mindless drones who still think I’m an Obama loving liberal.
No explanation, I see.
A link that means nothing to anyone who has a brain. Your contention is that this link means that Obama is using factcheck to hide. This is the contention of a complete idiot.
***Ahh, then it should be a very easy contention for you to knock down, grasshopper. But you didn’t, instead you choose the path of insults. That shows you’re out of ammunition.
The case would have taken ten minutes if what you said was true because the defendants offered to pay for the pants. The judge could have easily told the plaintiff to accept payment.
***You obviously haven’t had much contact with the legal system.
Only if FR is a few decades older than the internet.
***Then learn how to present your case, clymer. The admin moderator has already posted that you’re not long for this forum, and it is easy for the lurkers to see why. Very simply, you’re a jerk.
That will have merit the moment you finally make a VALID point.
***You really don’t have that much to say. It won’t be that big of a loss when you’re zotted.
Take it up with the admin moderator, Mr. zero.
“Ahh, then it should be a very easy contention for you to knock down, grasshopper. But you didnt, instead you choose the path of insults. That shows youre out of ammunition.”
There is nothing to shoot at when the claim is baseless.
“You obviously havent had much contact with the legal system.”
You obviously haven’t paid attention to anything I have said.
“Then learn how to present your case, clymer. The admin moderator has already posted that youre not long for this forum, and it is easy for the lurkers to see why. Very simply, youre a jerk.”
Who has the insult problem here?
“You really dont have that much to say. It wont be that big of a loss when youre zotted.”
Is that how you want the mods here to deal with everyone who challenges you? You can’t stand being tasked with proving what you say is true, so you just want those who challenge you to get tossed.
Is that how you want the mods here to deal with everyone who challenges you?
***No, just you. I see the mod has his magic 8 ball out and your number will probably come up soon. You haven’t posted anything of value for a long time, so whoever it was that spoke up for you will most likely go silent. You embarrassed them.
You cant stand being tasked with proving what you say is true, so you just want those who challenge you to get tossed.
***No, just you. Would you like to have fun with the viking Kitties? It’s a Free Republic tradition.
here, kitty kitty kitty
“You havent posted anything of value for a long time”
Do you need me to fill in the blanks?
Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:30:50 PM by Polarik
I revisited the "Born in the U.S.A." story that FactCheck produced which shows digital photos of OBama's alleged genuine paper birth certificate, or COLB, taken in a number of angles.
I found something new: A note that the story had been "updated August 26."
Update, August 26: We received responses to some of our questions from the Hawaii Department of Health. They couldn't tell us anything about their security paper, but they did answer another frequently-raised question: why is Obama's father's race listed as "African"? Kurt Tsue at the DOH told us that father's race and mother's race are supplied by the parents, and that "we accept what the parents self identify themselves to be." We consider it reasonable to believe that Barack Obama, Sr., would have thought of and reported himself as "African." It's certainly not the slam dunk some readers have made it out to be.
According to the Director of Vital Records, with whom I spoke about 10 weeks ago, said that they replaced "NEGRO" with "BLACK," even if NEGRO was on the original birth certificate and the person requesting the COLB put down NEGRO on the application form. So, either this Kurt guy doesn't know what Vital Records do, or doesn't want to disclose this information, or FactCheck is misrepresenting what he said.
OHSM does not simply "accept what the parents self identify themselves to be."If the father (or the mother) said that the father's race was NEGRO, Vital Statistics would not list it as NEGRO, but BLACK. They report a person's current birth record in the context of the today's laws and practices.
Unfortunately, he declined to answer my specific question about "AFRICAN," because then he knew I was searching for answers to Obama's COLB, and said that he cannot give out personal information on someone's birth record.
Dozens of people were calling them daily and asking the same question, and maybe, Kurt was simply following departmental directives regarding BHO's COLB.
Now, it's the second part of Kurt's statement, as reported by FactCheck, that raised my eyebrows:
When we asked about the security borders, which look different from some other examples of Hawaii certifications of live birth, Kurt said "The borders are generated each time a certified copy is printed. A citation located on the bottom left hand corner of the certificate indicates which date the form was revised.
Was this OHSM's version of "Name, Rank, and Serial Number?" or FactCheck's imagination talking? Yes, we all know that the borders are generated each time a NOT-YET-CERTIFIED copy is printed along with everything else printed inside the borders. We also know that there has been only one form in use for almost seven years.
Now, why didn't Kurt simply say that the security borders were periodically changed since November 2001 until now? Why not confirm what FactCheck already knows (or should know?)
Kurt continues:
" He also confirmed that the information in the short form birth certificate is sufficient to prove citizenship for "all reasonable purposes."
Trust me. "Reasonable" is not part of the vocabulary for the most screwed-up federal agency in America, namely USCIS, or United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. USCIS demands a whole list of documents to determine citizenship, of which proof of birth is but one of them.
Why is it that, when someone like you or me, applies for work in a federal agency who work with sensitive data, are required to have extensive and thorough background checks performed even before being considered to be qualified to work there. Do how is it that someone, like Obama, whose background has not subjected to the same and even more extensive levels of investigation, can become an applicant for the highest federal position in the Country?
It boogles the mind.
One final note:
Now,"What's up with FactCheck's comment that they did not learn anything about the paper the COLB is printed on?"
That strikes me as odd, seeing as how they allegedly had the same paper in their hot, little hands?
Hey guys, who is the keeper of the VK ping list these days? Here’s one over here, you can be IB4TZ.
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