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Inconsistencies abound in FactCheck report on Obama "birth certificate"
Israeli Insider ^ | 8/24/08 | Reuven Koret

Posted on 08/24/2008 8:10:04 AM PDT by pissant

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To: Kevmo

“Are you saying there’s no connection between Obama and the Annenberg foundation?”

Obama was on the board of the Annenberg Challenge, one of many charitable organizations that receives funds from the Annenberg foundation.

“You are being disingenuous.”

No, I’m telling the truth.

“The court has an obligation to throw out trivial lawsuits. The first threshold has been passed.”

Please tell me how long the multi-million dollar drycleaner lawsuit took to get tossed.

“Bull shiite. Who are you shilling for?”

Telling the truth isn’t shilling.

“Welcome to Free Republic, newbie.”

Welcome to the real world and check my more than year old profile. It’s called research, though it is obvious from the rest of your post that you have never heard that word.

201 posted on 08/29/2008 7:01:45 PM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: Polarik

“You don’t listen very well. I’ve already proven my case.”

I do listen, and no you have not. If you had proven it, you would have filed your own suit and won it easily.

202 posted on 08/29/2008 7:02:45 PM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: bvw

yes it can.

203 posted on 08/29/2008 7:07:28 PM PDT by longtermmemmory (VOTE! and
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To: TheNewPundit

No, it means that it doesn’t take much to go over the head of an idiot like yourself.
***Then explain this ridiculous sentence, Einstein.

Proof that is is real is the absence of proof that it is fake, therefore you are the one who has the burden.

204 posted on 08/29/2008 7:17:15 PM PDT by Kevmo (A person's a person, no matter how small. ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: TheNewPundit

So, by your own freeping words, “Obama was on the board of the Annenberg Challenge, one of many charitable organizations that receives funds from the Annenberg foundation.” There’s an obvious link to Obama, the Annenberg foundation, and the Annenberg group. Thanks for making my point for me.

Please tell me how long the multi-million dollar drycleaner lawsuit took to get tossed.
***I’ll do better than that. I’ll tell you that you are an idiot. That lawsuit lasted longer than it should have because the complaint had merit, but the DAMAGES were out of proportion, so the judge waded through the factual complaints before any damage assessment. But an Einstein like you wouldn’t know that, because you’re so much smarter than a guy like me.

Welcome to the real world and check my more than year old profile.
***Ooohh, a whole year. Wow. Congratulations, you must be real proud. From your argumentation capabilities I gather that my first year of freeping was past before you learned how to ride a bike.

It’s called research, though it is obvious from the rest of your post that you have never heard that word.
***Big Word, Research. Show some, newbie. Better yet, just stay on this thread responding, continuing to make my points for me. Notice that your fact-to-insult ratio is approaching zero. You need to pump up on your facts more, spend a few more years as a freeper before you start touting your seniority, and take a critical thinking class at the local community college. I look forward to your next post, this is fun.

205 posted on 08/29/2008 7:25:26 PM PDT by Kevmo (A person's a person, no matter how small. ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: TheNewPundit
,i>I do listen, and no you have not. If you had proven it, you would have filed your own suit and won it easily.

Methinks you watch too many TV court shows. OK, I'll play. What would my claim be?

206 posted on 08/29/2008 8:08:09 PM PDT by Polarik ("The Greater Evil")
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To: Admin Moderator; TheNewPundit

Magic 8-ball predicts that TheNewPundit will not last much longer on FR.
***I didn’t realize that. Maybe if his facts/insults ratio were not a big zero, he’d get better Magic 8-ball results.

207 posted on 08/29/2008 8:50:09 PM PDT by Kevmo (A person's a person, no matter how small. ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Kevmo

“Then explain this ridiculous sentence, Einstein.”

That one went over your head also I see.

208 posted on 08/30/2008 12:06:23 AM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: Kevmo

“So, by your own freeping words, “Obama was on the board of the Annenberg Challenge, one of many charitable organizations that receives funds from the Annenberg foundation.” There’s an obvious link to Obama, the Annenberg foundation, and the Annenberg group. Thanks for making my point for me.”

A link that means nothing to anyone who has a brain. Your contention is that this link means that Obama is using factcheck to hide. This is the contention of a complete idiot.

“That lawsuit lasted longer than it should have because the complaint had merit”

You didn’t do one better at all. The case would have taken ten minutes if what you said was true because the defendants offered to pay for the pants. The judge could have easily told the plaintiff to accept payment.

“Ooohh, a whole year. Wow. Congratulations, you must be real proud. From your argumentation capabilities I gather that my first year of freeping was past before you learned how to ride a bike.”

Only if FR is a few decades older than the internet.

“Big Word, Research. Show some, newbie. Better yet, just stay on this thread responding, continuing to make my points for me. Notice that your fact-to-insult ratio is approaching zero. You need to pump up on your facts more, spend a few more years as a freeper before you start touting your seniority, and take a critical thinking class at the local community college. I look forward to your next post, this is fun.”

That will have merit the moment you finally make a VALID point.

209 posted on 08/30/2008 12:12:06 AM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: Polarik

“Methinks you watch too many TV court shows. OK, I’ll play. What would my claim be?”

You keep claiming to have made your case. If you can’t answer your own question, then you admit that you have not made your case.

I accept your apology.

210 posted on 08/30/2008 12:13:18 AM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: Kevmo

Facts — quite the large number.

Insults — less than the number hurled at me by the mindless drones who still think I’m an Obama loving liberal.

211 posted on 08/30/2008 12:14:46 AM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: TheNewPundit

No explanation, I see.

212 posted on 08/30/2008 12:32:55 AM PDT by Kevmo (Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
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To: TheNewPundit

A link that means nothing to anyone who has a brain. Your contention is that this link means that Obama is using factcheck to hide. This is the contention of a complete idiot.
***Ahh, then it should be a very easy contention for you to knock down, grasshopper. But you didn’t, instead you choose the path of insults. That shows you’re out of ammunition.

The case would have taken ten minutes if what you said was true because the defendants offered to pay for the pants. The judge could have easily told the plaintiff to accept payment.
***You obviously haven’t had much contact with the legal system.

Only if FR is a few decades older than the internet.
***Then learn how to present your case, clymer. The admin moderator has already posted that you’re not long for this forum, and it is easy for the lurkers to see why. Very simply, you’re a jerk.

That will have merit the moment you finally make a VALID point.
***You really don’t have that much to say. It won’t be that big of a loss when you’re zotted.

213 posted on 08/30/2008 12:37:34 AM PDT by Kevmo (Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
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To: TheNewPundit

Take it up with the admin moderator, Mr. zero.

214 posted on 08/30/2008 12:39:22 AM PDT by Kevmo (Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
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To: Kevmo

“Ahh, then it should be a very easy contention for you to knock down, grasshopper. But you didn’t, instead you choose the path of insults. That shows you’re out of ammunition.”

There is nothing to shoot at when the claim is baseless.

“You obviously haven’t had much contact with the legal system.”

You obviously haven’t paid attention to anything I have said.

“Then learn how to present your case, clymer. The admin moderator has already posted that you’re not long for this forum, and it is easy for the lurkers to see why. Very simply, you’re a jerk.”

Who has the insult problem here?

“You really don’t have that much to say. It won’t be that big of a loss when you’re zotted.”

Is that how you want the mods here to deal with everyone who challenges you? You can’t stand being tasked with proving what you say is true, so you just want those who challenge you to get tossed.

215 posted on 08/30/2008 6:06:49 AM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: TheNewPundit

Is that how you want the mods here to deal with everyone who challenges you?
***No, just you. I see the mod has his magic 8 ball out and your number will probably come up soon. You haven’t posted anything of value for a long time, so whoever it was that spoke up for you will most likely go silent. You embarrassed them.

You can’t stand being tasked with proving what you say is true, so you just want those who challenge you to get tossed.
***No, just you. Would you like to have fun with the viking Kitties? It’s a Free Republic tradition.

216 posted on 08/30/2008 10:23:40 PM PDT by Kevmo (Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
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To: MeekOneGOP

here, kitty kitty kitty

217 posted on 08/30/2008 10:25:20 PM PDT by Kevmo (Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
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To: Kevmo

“You haven’t posted anything of value for a long time”




Do you need me to fill in the blanks?

218 posted on 08/31/2008 10:17:00 AM PDT by TheNewPundit
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To: pissant
*Breaking News* FactCheck posts update to its "Born in the U.S.A." story on Aug 26th

Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:30:50 PM by Polarik

I revisited the "Born in the U.S.A." story that FactCheck produced which shows digital photos of OBama's alleged genuine paper birth certificate, or COLB, taken in a number of angles.

I found something new: A note that the story had been "updated August 26."

Update, August 26: We received responses to some of our questions from the Hawaii Department of Health. They couldn't tell us anything about their security paper, but they did answer another frequently-raised question: why is Obama's father's race listed as "African"? Kurt Tsue at the DOH told us that father's race and mother's race are supplied by the parents, and that "we accept what the parents self identify themselves to be." We consider it reasonable to believe that Barack Obama, Sr., would have thought of and reported himself as "African." It's certainly not the slam dunk some readers have made it out to be.

According to the Director of Vital Records, with whom I spoke about 10 weeks ago, said that they replaced "NEGRO" with "BLACK," even if NEGRO was on the original birth certificate and the person requesting the COLB put down NEGRO on the application form. So, either this Kurt guy doesn't know what Vital Records do, or doesn't want to disclose this information, or FactCheck is misrepresenting what he said.

OHSM does not simply "accept what the parents self identify themselves to be."If the father (or the mother) said that the father's race was NEGRO, Vital Statistics would not list it as NEGRO, but BLACK. They report a person's current birth record in the context of the today's laws and practices.

Unfortunately, he declined to answer my specific question about "AFRICAN," because then he knew I was searching for answers to Obama's COLB, and said that he cannot give out personal information on someone's birth record.

Dozens of people were calling them daily and asking the same question, and maybe, Kurt was simply following departmental directives regarding BHO's COLB.

Now, it's the second part of Kurt's statement, as reported by FactCheck, that raised my eyebrows:

When we asked about the security borders, which look different from some other examples of Hawaii certifications of live birth, Kurt said "The borders are generated each time a certified copy is printed. A citation located on the bottom left hand corner of the certificate indicates which date the form was revised.

Was this OHSM's version of "Name, Rank, and Serial Number?" or FactCheck's imagination talking? Yes, we all know that the borders are generated each time a NOT-YET-CERTIFIED copy is printed along with everything else printed inside the borders. We also know that there has been only one form in use for almost seven years.

Now, why didn't Kurt simply say that the security borders were periodically changed since November 2001 until now? Why not confirm what FactCheck already knows (or should know?)

Kurt continues:

" He also confirmed that the information in the short form birth certificate is sufficient to prove citizenship for "all reasonable purposes."

Trust me. "Reasonable" is not part of the vocabulary for the most screwed-up federal agency in America, namely USCIS, or United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. USCIS demands a whole list of documents to determine citizenship, of which proof of birth is but one of them.

Why is it that, when someone like you or me, applies for work in a federal agency who work with sensitive data, are required to have extensive and thorough background checks performed even before being considered to be qualified to work there. Do how is it that someone, like Obama, whose background has not subjected to the same and even more extensive levels of investigation, can become an applicant for the highest federal position in the Country?

It boogles the mind.

One final note:

Now,"What's up with FactCheck's comment that they did not learn anything about the paper the COLB is printed on?"

That strikes me as odd, seeing as how they allegedly had the same paper in their hot, little hands?

219 posted on 08/31/2008 11:40:50 AM PDT by Polarik ("The Greater Evil")
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To: TheNewPundit; Jon Rowe; timpad; TBarnett34; MeekOneGOP; PetroniDE; Lady Jag; mhking; glock rocks; ..

Hey guys, who is the keeper of the VK ping list these days? Here’s one over here, you can be IB4TZ.

220 posted on 08/31/2008 1:21:44 PM PDT by Kevmo (Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
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