Posted on 08/19/2008 1:01:26 AM PDT by Maelstorm
The Real Romney?
Romney on Abortion - 2002
For the life of me, I don’t know why Romney wants to run for anything in the Republican Party. When you see some of the people it is laced with, I wouldn’t think it would be worth it.
We know him as the attractive, tall, good looking salesman that will say anything to get desperately elected.
Liberals do fine in the GOP.
You don’t like him, we get it. However, he did FIX the Olympic corruption and the Big Dig was being schemed 20 years before he ever was Gov. What was he supposed to do, have it all removed and cleaned up? Also, most Govs can be called “failures”. Why do you waste your energy hating him? Grow up and don’t worry, he won’t be your President or VP.
Yes it is because he is a Mormon. Funny Romney doesn’t have any problem with the public at large, or with Lutherans, Protestants, Catholics, in fact just about any other religion with the exception of a fair amount of Evangelicals. Predominantly it is the Evangelicals alone that have a problem with Romney. That is how you know it is because Romney is a Mormon, not that he once when heading the most liberal state in our country as Governor, may have held more moderate stances. He doesn’t now, and hasn’t for quite a while, and even when running MA, he was way more conservative than the state as a whole was and ran the gov’t as conservatively as he could get away with, considering he was surrounded by Dems.
So, because the hate Romney crew consists primarily of too large an amount ofEvangelicals, and it was Evangelical enclaves in assorted states that voted against him and for Huckabee, their fellow Evangelical, that the obvious bias against his Mormonism becomes evident. Huckabee to this very day is working in the background trying to convince the McCain campaign not to choose Romney as VP. The Huckster sees himself as the future leader of the Pub Party’s Evangelical base, and will do anything overtly or covertly to sabotage Romney. He slams Romney overtly on Fox as a contributor to the political commentary. These types of Mormon hating Evangelicals should be ashamed of themselves.
The Catholics had to put up with the same thing when John F. Kennedy ran, and Kennedy, like Romney, had to give a “my religion won’t affect how I govern” speech, which is why they have sympathy for Romney, unlike Evangelicals, who just can’t stand the Mormon religion. You will all protest that this is not the case, but you are out there primarily on your own in your hostility to Romney. You mask it in other terms, but bigotry still manifests itself as bigotry. And how Evangelicals have voted in the primary and acted verbally is the proof in the pudding, especially on this website whenever there is a Romney thread. I now leave you Romney haters to your own devices, as you show the visitors to these threads your true natures and animosity towards the Mormon religion. Have fun being your usual disagreeable selves.
Oh yeah, one more thing. If we had youtube in the 1970’s, you would be watching footage of Ronald Reagan FOR abortion and super sympathetic to homosexuals. Get a hobby or buy a cat.
I think because of McCain’s age and past health problems he will make a pick that reassures the Republican base his VP is fully capable to replace him. That man, in my opinion, is Romney.
Don’t think he has real core values.
He’d change any belief to get where he wants to get.
Romney (fascist, socialist) = Guaranteed loss for Sen. McCain.
Great post and very accurate!!!!!
Do we really want to defend this man FOR 4 years?
Most people who KNOW Romney despise him for he falsehoods,
duplicity, flipflops, bad judgment, etc.
If you RomneyBOTs would have stopped bringing up his religion,
it is doubtful anyone would have even known about it.
Excellent point. His religion is immaterial. The fact is, he’s a big government nanny-stater, just like Huckabee.
It’s bad enough we have moderate would-be Democrat McCain to deal with.
“Most people who KNOW Romney despise him for he falsehoods,
duplicity, flipflops, bad judgment, etc.
If you RomneyBOTs would have stopped bringing up his religion,
it is doubtful anyone would have even known about it.”
LOL! What a totally disingenuous comment on your part, as the regular visitors to these Romney threads all know where you are coming from. And it ain’t a good place. No one would know what his religion is? You jest of course. The whole country knows, in particular as he was forced to give a speech about his religion and how it would affect his presidency. And what do you think of your fellow Freepers. That they are unintelligent and uninformed morons? And you don’t know “most people who know Romney” yourself, unless you run in the same social circles, which you don’t and never will. How pathetic you are in your anti-Romney rants. Just purely pathetic.
Well said. We know how to shoot ourself in the foot better than anyone.
Directly on point, well said.
“Not because he is Mormon....”
...(insert) “not that there’s anything wrong with that...”
Personally, I think most Romney haters are both evangelical and bald. I’m only in one of those groups. So I like him.
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