Clearly you don’t listen to Savage. Typical of your ilk to criticize those you have never listened to. Savage joins the ranks of a growing number of American patriots who are attacked by the left for the heinous crime of telling the truth. Islam is a “religion” which demands that its followers kill anyone who stands in its path of world domination, steal their property and sell their families into slavery. Savage pointed out that this is quite rightly what the Quran says. Of course no one is permitted to delve into the non-PC. Rather, we must ignore facts and deem Islam the Religion of Peace. After all, beheading does make for a very peaceable victim.
What ilk might that be?
afterall it’s part of their cuuuuuuuuuuulture, we wouldn’t to discrimate against them. Honor killings are perfectly acceptable in their cuuuuuuulture , who are we to deny them their human right of sawing off someone’s head.