It doesn’t have “legs,” it has “cankles.”
Unfortunately, that is correct Uncle Miltie. Great BIG Cankles, Thighs, and a Huge Left Wing all attached to it.
I can only hope that Shrillary’s ego is too big to play second fiddle to that Indonesian fellow Barry Hussein Soetoro-Obama.
The fact that Obambi isnt up by double digits now is bad news for him and he knows it. He peaked on Super Tuesday and has gone downhill ever since. He was never properly vetted and was crowned “Messiah” by Super-Delegates and a rigged system in MI and FL.
He has NO CHANCE of winning unless he picks Her Thighness as Veep because her voters are so PO’ed and vindictive as hell...or, her quite frankly.
B.Hussein has already bent toward her will and is enabling the PUMA crowd to turn this into a carnival with the Open Floor Vote. If the faithful walk away in anger with We are unified... speeches by Mr. and Mrs. Billary Clinton and she isn’t VP, then “The One” will have lost them and this election.
That is the only thing I fear since his 500 advisors must have come to some concensus and invariably, knowing the Clintons, there have been threats of some sort.
Is this great new “Hope” and “Agent of Change” able to figure this all out or do they hate each other too much to team up?
The added perk of including Senator Cankles is the fact that they won’t use the Barry Soetoro/Faked BC info against him and they will bring their “cleaners” to the party as well to erase any pesky little details from long ago.
Those Commie Jackasses could actually pull it off together but divided they fall....for now.
I can only Hope he doesn’t Change and stays the same old Messianic, arrogant, and conceited cult leader who will save the world all by himself.