Some relevant highlights (pardon the informal citation):
"Those practices ended when the General Assembly passed Georgias first gun ban. The 1833 law provided that 'it shall not be lawful for any free person of colour in this state, to own, use, or carry fire arms of any description whatever.'" (p.2)
"The court proclaimed that 'Free persons of color have never been recognized here as citizens; they are not entitled to bear arms, vote for members of the legislature, or to hold any civil office.' This ruling would form the basis for the expulsion of black legislators in 1868." (p.3)
"The selective application of the law started immediately as the law was ignored by white supremacists that had armed themselves and gathered at the polls to prevent blacks and Republicans from voting on Election Day in November 1870." (p.4)
"The Atlanta Journal advocated the forcible disarming of all blacks in an editorial titled 'Disarm the Negroes.' The Journal would get their wish in 1910, four years later." (p.7)
"Alabama passed a law banning the possession of all guns smaller than 24 inches. The illusion was that this law was race neutral; however everyone understood that the law would only apply to blacks and troublesome whites." (p.10)
"'The original Act of 1893 was passed when there was a great influx of negro laborers in this State...the Act was passed for the purpose of disarming the negro laborers...The statute was never intended to be applied to the white population and in practice has never been so applied.'" (p.10)
"...the Governor signed a law that required a license to carry a firearm in public issued by the Ordinary (now issued by a Probate Judge). The qualifications and method was similar to those that disfranchised blacks two years earlier...In the unlikely event a black man could post the bond, the Ordinary, who was always white since blacks could not hold civil office, could be counted on not to issue licenses to blacks." (p.11)
All well and good. Nothing new. So now cite some statutes that are applicable today that so discriminate agains blacks [or others of any race] BY NAME OR DESCRIPTION OF SKIN COLOR.