If thinnking, as I do, that gun control laws are stupid exercises in futility, then I guess you can not only call me a racist, but a very strongly opinionated one on the subject.
I would agree that racism plays a smaller part in the gun ban movement than it used to, but it is still a factor. Any time someone uses the term “Saturday Night Special,” they are using a racist term whether they know it or not.
Gun control is not futile, but has a very specific agenda. It is packaged as crime control (for which it is not only futile, but extremely counterproductive), but the real agenda is civilian disarmament to facilitate a government/criminal monopoly on the use of force. This can be used to keep the populace “pacified.”
What comes after that is a terrible thing to contemplate, but contemplate it we must, as history shows that the logical end is usually some kind of genocide.
That being said, here’s a fun game to play with people you encounter who are gun-control proponents. Ask them, “who do you want to be killed in a genocide?” It’s a great way to either end the conversation, or take it in an unexpected direction (for the recipient of the question, anyway).