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NEALZ NUZE ^ | Monday , August 13, 2007 | NEAL BOORTZ

Posted on 08/11/2008 8:41:29 AM PDT by Turret Gunner A20

For many young'uns around the country this is a momentous day. Sadly, for many of them, it is also a tragic one. Today millions of parents who should know better are going to take the most precious things in their lives, their children, and turn them over to the government to be educated. These parents all know that our government education system in this country is beyond horrible --- but for some reason they operate under the impression that the very school that, by chance, their child is going to attend is the one and only exception. Their child's school is extraordinary!

It's those other schools that are so bad.

Yeah, right.

Today I'm going to take one entire chapter out of my book "Somebody's Gotta Say It" and reprint it here for you to read .. enjoy .. and hopefully heed.


Now, fork them over . . .

(From "Somebody's Gotta Say It" © 2007 by Neal Boortz, Published by HC Books, and imprint of Harper Collins)

What? I'm picking on government schools again? Don't I have anything better to do with my time?

No, I don't. A day spent slamming the concept of government indoctrination is a day well spent.

I love this country, but I believe it's in deep trouble. I believe we're losing our sense of individuality and our love of liberty. Americans have little idea of the sacrifices that so many made to create this country where we live our lives of plenty.

Most adults have no idea of how essential our system of economic liberty is to the standard of life we enjoy today, and are unaware of how American free enterprise has already lifted much of the world out of poverty, want, and despair.

Furthermore, most Americans don't understand something as basic as the importance of private property rights in maintaining freedom and promoting prosperity.

And for this state of affairs I place the bulk of the blame on our system of government-owned and -operated schools.

I'll go one step further: Many of our government schools today, perhaps even the one to which you have surrendered your child; start in from day one trying to discredit the very concept of property rights. How do they do it? Let's start by defining some terms.

Some of our brethren on the left denounce the idea of property rights by saying human rights are always more important than property rights. It's a clever line, but it's really a kind of misdirection, like a magic trick. Why? Because property rights are human rights.

Think about it this way: Property has no rights. People have the right to property, and that right to property, the fruits of one's labor, is one of the highest human rights.

Chances are it's been quite a few years since you were in grade school. Believe me, much has changed since those days. Back when you were in school, for instance, it was probably okay to play tag during recess. Not so today. Why? Because tag involves (gasp!) touching! And besides, in tag someone is chased, and someone does the chasing. This teaches our precious little children predatory behavior. Now we can't have that, can we?

As if that weren't bad enough, the campaign to abolish private property starts with almost the first moment your child enters school.

Remember those weeks before school started for your brand-new first grader? There you were, you and your proud new student, walking the aisles of the local Wal-Mart, your list of school supplies in hand. Item by item you checked things off your list as you dropped them into the basket: pencils and erasers, notebooks and pencil holders, construction paper and paste. By the time you made it to the cash register, you had a full basket and a happy kid. As soon as you got home, your budding Einstein took the supplies to his room and spread everything out on the bed. This was his stuff, and it was important stuff, too—his very own tools and supplies, the things he'd use to learn and grow. And tomorrow he would be taking them to school. He couldn't have been more proud. On his last night before that magic first day of school, just before he went to bed, your young student would pack all his stuff in his backpack . . . then unpack it . . . then pack it again.

The next morning, it's show time! Off we go, full of apprehension and pride. Your young man is taking another grand step toward adulthood!

What could go wrong at school? Plenty. Remember, it's a government operation staffed by government agents.

As soon as the students are seated, the bell rings, and as fast as you can say the Pledge of Allegiance, the indoctrination begins: Your child is about to be introduced to the wonderful concept of "the common good."

Ready for class? Nope, not yet. There's a small matter that must be attended to first.

The government teacher steps in front of her virtual hostages and promptly delivers the first raw lesson in the power of government: She instructs her students to bring all of their precious new school supplies to the front of the classroom and put them into a huge box.

Wait just a minute here! Why am I putting my stuff into that box? My daddy took me to Wal-Mart and bought that stuff for me! It's mine! You can't take it away from me!

Oh, yeah?

As your child sits in stunned silence, the teacher tells him and his classmates that these supplies now belong to all of the class. What was once private property has been seized and transformed into community property, courtesy of the teacher's demands — demands that amount to a government mandate.

There is no due process. No rule of law. After all, in school the teacher is the law. Your child's supplies are now everybody's supplies, and the teacher has assumed the responsibility of distributing them as needed.

Know this: This whole "dump all of your school supplies into this box" is no mere innocent exercise, no simple whim of a few individual teachers. It's a conscious policy, and it has a purpose that goes beyond simple expediency for the teacher.

Your child, and every other child in that classroom, is being taught that their private property rights end when someone in authority says they end. In this instance, that person in authority is the teacher—a government employee. And even if your child isn't able to understand that it's actually the government who's seizing his property, he certainly does understand that his property is being seized, and converted into everybody's property. Worse yet, he is told, very clearly, that this is a good thing.

And who is there to tell him otherwise?

I've talked about this property confiscation on the air many times. Some parents call in to scold me, convinced that I'm lying, that this doesn't really happen. But for every one who does, plenty others call in to confirm what I'm saying—to report that it happened to their own child! I've even heard from young parents who believed I was making it up . . . right up to the point when their own child returned home from his first day of school.

The most surprising thing to me is that some callers—even some parents whose children have had their school supplies confiscated— actually don't see the problem with the policy. Wake up, folks! The very concept of private property is under attack here, and government is leading the charge.

It is a simple truth that property rights are the very basis of human freedom. We come into this world with nothing but our bodies and our minds. Those are the assets we bring with us to the marketplace. And no society based on economic and social freedom has ever survived the loss of private property rights.

Nobody would seriously argue against the notion that we, as individuals, are the sole owners of our minds and our bodies. We present our physical and mental labor to the free enterprise marketplace and trade it there for wealth, usually in the form of money. It can be said that we have received that money in exchange for the expenditure of a portion of our very lives.

When we convert that money to other forms of property, that property, too, represents a portion of our lives. That property is every bit as much ours as our very bodies and minds are. To demand that we forfeit that property to the government— even so trifling a piece of property as a schoolboy's notebook—is to demand a degree of involuntary servitude from us all.

I know this may sound a little preachy, but the importance of the basic human right to property, and its role in the preservation of a free society, cannot be overstated. When the government schools we pay for are working to destroy that concept, from the very first day of a child's very first grade, it's our duty to speak up.

Today we see property rights under attack from all quarters—as anyone who's ever confronted the idea of eminent domain knows too well. Government, after all, has an interest in weakening the concept of private property rights. The more Americans can be conditioned to accept the idea that the government has the right to confiscate our property for "the common good," the stronger government becomes and the weaker we as individuals become.

Come on, you say, my kid is only six years old! You don't expect him to realize what's happening and ask the teacher to respect his private property rights, now do you? What is he supposed to do, demand to be compensated for the seizure of his property?

Of course not.

Junior is a long way from understanding those concepts. But don't kid yourself: He certainly does understand, at least on a subconscious level, that his new teacher—someone he knows he is supposed to respect and look up to—thinks that the idea of seizing private property for general use is just fine. After all, the logic goes, there are other people out there who might need some of your stuff. And it's just not right for you to have something other people don't have or can't share in, is it? All you need to do to correct this perceived injustice, according to these teachers, is to let your superiors even things out a bit by taking some stuff from you and giving it to someone else.

Karl Marx had his own words for this concept. "From each according to his ability," he said, "to each according to his need." So what can be done to fix the problem? Well, I'll tell you what I did.

Actually, in my case, I didn't have to wait until my daughter, Laura, got into government school for this collectivist concept to rear its head. We learned this lesson in day care.

One afternoon I picked up Laura at her day care center. As she got into the car, I could see that her eyes were red; there were still traces of tears on her cheeks. What happened? I asked.

"The lady," she said, had taken her candy.

You see, it was the day after Halloween and Laura had taken a bag of goodies to day care, to dip into throughout the day. As soon as the day care supervisor saw her bag, however, she seized it. She told Laura that it just wasn't right for her to have anything that every other child didn't have. If she didn't bring enough to share with everyone, then she couldn't have it at all.

As soon as I heard that, I spun my incredibly hot Ford Pinto around and headed back to the day care center. Once there, I asked for a private meeting with the director. I asked her if she was familiar with the concept of private property. She said yes. Then I asked why it was the day care center's policy to indoctrinate children into the idea that it was not right for them to have property that other children didn't have.

Blank stare.

Then I asked her how she would feel if the bank took her next deposit and distributed it evenly among its other customers, telling her it wasn't nice for her to have money that other people didn't have. She got it.

The next time Laura brought some candy or cookies to day care, the supervisors left her alone.

For nearly all children in America, Day Number One at school— whether it's in an informal day care center or a public kindergarten— is also their first time in an independent social setting. It's their first chance to experience how the world is going to treat them. Until we do something to fix it, however, Lesson Number One your children learn that day may be that their rights exist only as long as the government allows.

And that's just the first week! Wait a little while, and you just might get that call from Teacher with vague, dark hints of a better world for your child if you'll just allow him to go on Ritalin.

From "Somebody's Gotta Say It"
Neal Boortz Remember those weeks before school started for your brand-new first grader? There you were, you and your proud new student, walking the aisles of the local Wal-Mart, your list of school supplies in hand. Item by item you checked things off your list as you dropped them into the basket: pencils and erasers, notebooks and pencil holders, construction paper and paste. By the time you made it to the cash register, you had a full basket and a happy kid.

As soon as you got home, your budding Einstein took the supplies to his room and spread everything out on the bed. This was his stuff, and it was important stuff, too—his very own tools and supplies, the things he'd use to learn and grow. And tomorrow he would be taking them to school. He couldn't have been more proud. On his last night before that magic first day of school, just before he went to bed, your young student would pack all his stuff in his backpack . . . then unpack it . . . then pack it again.

The next morning, it's show time! Off we go, full of apprehension and pride. Your young man is taking another grand step toward adulthood!

What could go wrong at school? Plenty. Remember, it's a government operation staffed by government agents.

As soon as the students are seated, the bell rings, and as fast as you can say the Pledge of Allegiance, the indoctrination begins: Your child is about to be introduced to the wonderful concept of "the common good."

Ready for class? Nope, not yet. There's a small matter that must be attended to first.

The government teacher steps in front of her virtual hostages and promptly delivers the first raw lesson in the power of government: She instructs her students to bring all of their precious new school supplies to the front of the classroom and put them into a huge box.

Wait just a minute here! Why am I putting my stuff into that box? My daddy took me to Wal-Mart and bought that stuff for me! It's mine! You can't take it away from me!

Oh, yeah?

As your child sits in stunned silence, the teacher tells him and his classmates that these supplies now belong to all of the class. What was once private property has been seized and transformed into community property, courtesy of the teacher's demands—demands that amount to a government mandate. There is no due process. No rule of law. After all, in school the teacher is the law. Your child's supplies are now everybody's supplies, and the teacher has assumed the responsibility of distributing them as needed.

Know this: This whole "dump all of your school supplies into this box" is no mere innocent exercise, no simple whim of a few individual teachers. It's a conscious policy, and it has a purpose that goes beyond simple expediency for the teacher.

Your child, and every other child in that classroom, is being taught that their private property rights end when someone in authority says they end. In this instance, that person in authority is the teacher—a government employee. And even if your child isn't able to understand that it's actually the government who's seizing his property, he certainly does understand that his property is being seized, and converted into everybody's property. Worse yet, he is told, very clearly, that this is a good thing.

And who is there to tell him otherwise?

I've talked about this property confiscation on the air many times. Some parents call in to scold me, convinced that I'm lying, that this doesn't really happen. But for every one who does, plenty others call in to confirm what I'm saying—to report that it happened to their own child! I've even heard from young parents who believed I was making it up . . . right up to the point when their own child returned home from his first day of school.

The most surprising thing to me is that some callers—even some parents whose children have had their school supplies confiscated— actually don't see the problem with the policy. Wake up, folks! The very concept of private property is under attack here, and government is leading the charge.

It is a simple truth that property rights are the very basis of human freedom. We come into this world with nothing but our bodies and our minds. Those are the assets we bring with us to the marketplace. And no society based on economic and social freedom has ever survived the loss of private property rights.

Nobody would seriously argue against the notion that we, as individuals, are the sole owners of our minds and our bodies. We present our physical and mental labor to the free enterprise marketplace and trade it there for wealth, usually in the form of money. It can be said that we have received that money in exchange for the expenditure of a portion of our very lives. When we convert that money to other forms of property, that property, too, represents a portion of our lives. That property is every bit as much ours as our very bodies and minds are. To demand that we forfeit that property to the government— even so trifling a piece of property as a schoolboy's notebook—is to demand a degree of involuntary servitude from us all.

I know this may sound a little preachy, but the importance of the basic human right to property, and its role in the preservation of a free society, cannot be overstated. When the government schools we pay for are working to destroy that concept, from the very first day of a child's very first grade, it's our duty to speak up.

Today we see property rights under attack from all quarters—as anyone who's ever confronted the idea of eminent domain knows too well. Government, after all, has an interest in weakening the concept of private property rights. The more Americans can be conditioned to accept the idea that the government has the right to confiscate our property for "the common good," the stronger government becomes and the weaker we as individuals become.

Come on, you say, my kid is only six years old! You don't expect him to realize what's happening and ask the teacher to respect his private property rights, now do you? What is he supposed to do, demand to be compensated for the seizure of his property?

Of course not.

Junior is a long way from understanding those concepts. But don't kid yourself: He certainly does understand, at least on a subconscious level, that his new teacher—someone he knows he is supposed to respect and look up to—thinks that the idea of seizing private property for general use is just fine. After all, the logic goes, there are other people out there who might need some of your stuff. And it's just not right for you to have something other people don't have or can't share in, is it? All you need to do to correct this perceived injustice, according to these teachers, is to let your superiors even things out a bit by taking some stuff from you and giving it to someone else.

Karl Marx had his own words for this concept. "From each according to his ability," he said, "to each according to his need." So what can be done to fix the problem? Well, I'll tell you what I did.

Actually, in my case, I didn't have to wait until my daughter, Laura, got into government school for this collectivist concept to rear its head. We learned this lesson in day care. One afternoon I picked up Laura at her day care center. As she got into the car, I could see that her eyes were red; there were still traces of tears on her cheeks.

What happened? I asked.

"The lady," she said, had taken her candy.

You see, it was the day after Halloween and Laura had taken a bag of goodies to day care, to dip into throughout the day. As soon as the day care supervisor saw her bag, however, she seized it. She told Laura that it just wasn't right for her to have anything that every other child didn't have. If she didn't bring enough to share with everyone, then she couldn't have it at all.

As soon as I heard that, I spun my incredibly hot Ford Pinto around and headed back to the day care center. Once there, I asked for a private meeting with the director. I asked her if she was familiar with the concept of private property. She said yes. Then I asked why it was the day care center's policy to indoctrinate children into the idea that it was not right for them to have property that other children didn't have.

Blank stare.

Then I asked her how she would feel if the bank took her next deposit and distributed it evenly among its other customers, telling her it wasn't nice for her to have money that other people didn't have. She got it.

The next time Laura brought some candy or cookies to day care, the supervisors left her alone.

For nearly all children in America, Day Number One at school— whether it's in an informal day care center or a public kindergarten— is also their first time in an independent social setting. It's their first chance to experience how the world is going to treat them. Until we do something to fix it, however, Lesson Number One your children learn that day may be that their rights exist only as long as the government allows.

And that's just the first week! Wait a little while, and you just might get that call from Teacher with vague, dark hints of a better world for your child if you'll just allow him to go on Ritalin.

From "Somebody's Gotta Say It"
Neal Boortz
© 2007

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: backtoschool; boortz; education; publiceducation; publicschools; schools; windbag
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To: mysterio
Until we moved to Cal, our school year was the day after Labor Day until the Friday before Memorial Day. And we got federal and church holidays.

When we went to catholic school in socal, we started the day after Labor Day and went until the middle of June. When I got there I was half a year ahead of the other seventh graders.

21 posted on 08/11/2008 9:31:22 AM PDT by purpleraine
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To: Nashvegas

When did this start.. this communnal dumping of supplies?

Back when I was in grade school (around the late 1970s early 1980s) we never did that? Thats crazy..

22 posted on 08/11/2008 9:32:11 AM PDT by eXe (Si vis pacem, para bellum)
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To: Turret Gunner A20
Wow. I teach 7th grade in a rural middle school (NJ)

I would not think of taking supplies that were bought by a parent or child.

I estimate that I buy about $400 worth of various supplies for the school year. The great majority of the material is supplied by the school system.

Each individual teacher does require certain supplies for class.

The only supplies I require are book covers for their text books, a binder to put all their notes and assignments in, and something to write with.

23 posted on 08/11/2008 9:34:45 AM PDT by mware (F-R-E-E. That spells free. baby)
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To: mysterio
Mysterio, it depends on the region of the country you live in.

The NE ends their school year in mid June and start up again right after Labor Day.

The South finishes up their school year in mid May and start up in mid August.

24 posted on 08/11/2008 9:38:00 AM PDT by mware (F-R-E-E. That spells free. baby)
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To: Turret Gunner A20

This goes on at my kids’ school. When I was in school, you borrowed what you didn’t have, if the owner allowed it, and then gave it back later. Developing relationships, reputations, and all that...

Now, nobody needs to be accountable for anything. They just take from the pot.

25 posted on 08/11/2008 9:39:30 AM PDT by mikey_hates_everything
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To: mware

As long as they get the full three months. Although June through the end of August is ideal.

26 posted on 08/11/2008 9:43:56 AM PDT by mysterio
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To: EdReform; Amelia; shag377; Gabz; SoftballMominVA; abclily; aberaussie; albertp; AliVeritas; ...

Public Education Ping

This list is for intellectual discussion of articles and issues related to public education (including charter schools) from the preschool to university level. Items more appropriately placed on the “Naughty Teacher” list, “Another reason to Homeschool” list, or of a general public-school-bashing nature will not be pinged.

Normally I would not post an article this old. It's been at least a year since Neal wrote this, but I think it is a good concept for discussion. I espcially like how he used this as an opportunity to educate another adult so that they saw it in a different light. It seems people make mistakes not out of malice but out of ignorance. Part of the reason teachers do this is to prevent the embarrassment of those whose parents cannot afford school supplies. Unfortunately in the process of not wanting to hurt one group, they hurt another.

27 posted on 08/11/2008 9:44:09 AM PDT by SoftballMominVA
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To: mysterio
These parents all know that our government education system in this country is beyond horrible

Stopped reading this drek propaganda right here.

Best way I can think of to stay stupid -- Don't read something, but nevertheless promounce it "drek propoganda". If you believe that our teachers are so horrible, become one and do it the right way. I see now reason to reply to someone who doesn't have the foggiesst notion of what he/she/it is talking about (because he/she/it is tood dumb to read wht it's all about. Pleasse don't address me on this subject any further -- or at least read the article before you do, so that you might have something intelligent to say.

28 posted on 08/11/2008 9:45:18 AM PDT by Turret Gunner A20 ( At almost 85 YO -- Achieving victim status, one day at a time.)
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To: mware
I do the same at my middle school. I purchase pencils and paper for those that don't have, or just forgot.

For those adults reading thins, look around at the next meeting you attend, how many people come in without what they need, or a pen runs out, or they need more paper. A good facilitator has these items available for all so that the flow of the meeting is not disturbed and people can continue to work and contribute

29 posted on 08/11/2008 9:46:58 AM PDT by SoftballMominVA
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To: Santa Fe_Conservative
You can put their names all over it clearly, but eventually even without a huge hopper they’ll lose all their stuff somewhere in that messy desk or backpack never to be seen again :)

Perhaps so -- but IT IS THEIR STUFF to lose -- it does not belong to someone else to use or lose.

30 posted on 08/11/2008 9:48:25 AM PDT by Turret Gunner A20 ( At almost 85 YO -- Achieving victim status, one day at a time.)
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To: mysterio

Many schools are going to a beginning of August start so that first semester ends before Christmas break. Our system is considering it also, partly because it would be so helpful for the standardized testing and college applications.

31 posted on 08/11/2008 9:49:09 AM PDT by SoftballMominVA
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To: Turret Gunner A20
Best way I can think of to stay stupid -- Don't read something, but nevertheless promounce it "drek propoganda".

When the article starts out (paraphrased) "everyone knows our schools are horrible," it's not too much of a stretch that the article is agenda driven and probably full of slogans, talking points, and propaganda. I grew up in a household with two public school teachers and I went to public school. So I know that our schools aren't horrible at all. I'm sure a lot of Freeper teachers know this too but stay away from these threads for fear of being attacked.

I will honor your request and not post to you further on this subject assuming you don't respond.
32 posted on 08/11/2008 9:51:05 AM PDT by mysterio
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To: BenLurkin
As your child sits in stunned silence, the teacher tells him and his classmates that these supplies now belong to all of the class.
Is there any confirmation of this claim?

It's sporadic throughout classes, schools, systems, states, but it is NOT a nationwide practice.

Makes for good flaming though doesn't it?

33 posted on 08/11/2008 9:51:37 AM PDT by SoftballMominVA
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To: BenLurkin
Is there any confirmation of this claim? What kind of confirmation would you like. )I can tell from you tone that you wouldn't believe me personally -- ao I won't bother to tell you either my experience or how I solved it.)
34 posted on 08/11/2008 9:52:57 AM PDT by Turret Gunner A20 ( At almost 85 YO -- Achieving victim status, one day at a time.)
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To: SoftballMominVA
I teach four units of 7th grade science (Biology) and one unit of Geography.

Usually the first couple months the kids are pretty good at bringing their supplies. At the end of the school day I walk around the classroom and any pencils or pens that are on the floor, I collect and put them in a (SHOCK) cigar box. The kids know anything in the box can be used if they forget or have lost their pencils.

As you said there are some kids that have difficulty getting supplies. I have book covers available for any student who was not able to get them.

With all the dollar stores around our area, pencils/pens are not much of a problem. The same with the binders.

35 posted on 08/11/2008 9:53:41 AM PDT by mware (F-R-E-E. That spells free. baby)
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To: Turret Gunner A20

From my cold dead hands...
36 posted on 08/11/2008 9:55:10 AM PDT by Sopater (A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fool's heart to the left. ~ Ecc 10:2 (NASB))
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To: nicola_tesla
Welcome to collectivism, comrade.

excellent response! thank you...

37 posted on 08/11/2008 9:56:01 AM PDT by latina4dubya
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To: Turret Gunner A20; All

My school circumvented this problem completely by supplying all students with supplies.

A school cannot, by federal law, force a parent/child to buy supplies for school. I can recommend them, but not outright demand.

I gave each of my kids in my homeroom a 3 ring binder today. There are Post-It notes in the back, along with paper and highlighters for when we need them. The only thing I will not supply them with is a pencil/pen. As someone has pointed out, a good facilitator does provide for those who need it, when needed.

The only collective then, comes from the school already, not from other parents.

38 posted on 08/11/2008 9:56:40 AM PDT by shag377 (Illegitimis nil carborundum sunt!)
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To: mware
I pick up pencils and pens throughout the school as I walk around. The kids know that I do that, and will just show up at my door with a handful of pencils/pens to give me to put in my communal box. Mind you, these aren't my students, just kids that know what I do. I'm not really sure why they do it, because they aren't with me during the day, maybe they just learn by example.

A cigar box? that's great! I should get one of my husband's and use it!

39 posted on 08/11/2008 9:57:38 AM PDT by SoftballMominVA
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To: purpleraine
Until we moved to Cal, our school year was the day after Labor Day until the Friday before Memorial Day. And we got federal and church holidays.

it used to be that way here in California, too... i remember starting school after Labor Day... usually the next day... then when i was in high school, we began one week after Labor Day... but we always got out in June... it used to be the first week.... then it moved to the second... and so on... there is one charter school here in town where the kids get 4 weeks off in the summer... and they go to school from 8 am-4 pm--starting in Kindergarten... and believe it or not, most parents who send their kids to this school are proud that their kids are in school for all that time...

40 posted on 08/11/2008 10:00:27 AM PDT by latina4dubya
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