I have already contacted Saxby and Johnny—
I live in GA— both are my Senators....
I am awaiting statements from them...
just FYI— folks- they are already in meetings all morning over this issue— they are getting bombarded with calls— know more are coming...
they are trying to gather the wagons on “language” to use on this issue...
We must be united in our language!
We want the House Bill!
We want the Boehner bill in the House- we feel there is no need for a gang
even the drilling areas the gang proposal has- will be no help— these areas are not where the oil is.
The Senate serves the same people that House serves
The House hears the American people-— Repub and Dem alike— we want Boehner’s bill
We do not want “something” done for the sake of “something being done”
we want a SOLUTION.... the gang proposal is NOT a SOLUTION to the crisis and will not lead us to Energy Independence....
Please keep up the heat— do NOT accept excuses and rhetoric...STAND FIRM!
I MUSt go to a luncheon...
plus stay tuned— there is much much more to do folks— and it will take all of us....