It was just mentioned to me that there is also some question as to whether Hussein’s parents were actually married legally at the time of his birth. Daddy already had a living wife or two that he did not divorce. If they were not legally married I don’t know what that would do to the question of citizenship if born outside of the US. Would it not be interesting if Hussein were reduced to having to prove that his parents were not married?
That was my question initially, in fact. I rather doubted that they ever did actually marry. If that's the case, he has lied his head off about it. Really, the whole thing is a horrid mess.
Was he born on American soil? He says so. You believe him. I guess we are in this new liberal world where we all have to believe whatever any candidate says until ABC or NBC tells us they were lying. Until then questions, accusations, stupid cover stories, obvious lies and faked documents all have to be ignored.
Didnt' the MSM try to enforce this same rule for John Kerry. I think we need a US CITIZENS FOR TRUTH ad campaign.