When it comes to the LDS, it is not Christians against Christians. Joseph Smith made it very clear where Protestants AND CATOLICS belong...
A very silly post. The Republican party cannot have, and does not need to have, a religious litmus test for candidates.
Excuse me but whatever you opinion of my intelligent post # 104 is, there is no mention of a religious litmus test...
In fact nowhere in my intelligent and sincere post did I mention religion...
Why would the religion of Eric Cantor have any bearing on whether or not a Republican (or any American) should vote for him ????
You were the one to bring up the religions of Congressman Eric Cantor and Willard Mitt Romney in your # 40 ...
Were you being a bigot when you said...
“I have been wondering why a non Christian Jew, Eric Cantor, is getting a push from those who will not accept Mitt Romney as a candidate” ????
Christians mocking other Christians is not a pretty sight.
Probably not...
Mormons mocking Christians is not a pretty sight, either....