To: ssschev
I am hoping that Reps and would be Rep candidates are collecting video of LaPelosi and are making ads to make her stick her to the Dems.
250 posted on
08/05/2008 9:24:21 AM PDT by
(Prayer blizzard for the Snow family. Tony was a blessing unto us all. We will miss him.)
To: saveliberty
Me too! Her true color is shining through.
253 posted on
08/05/2008 9:30:14 AM PDT by
(We the people are being "warmed slowly" in the waters of Socialism!)
To: saveliberty
I talked about this House Rebellion with an old friend today. He hadn’t heard a peep about this. He’s a strong conservative, trusting in conservative op-eds and TV. He felt very betrayed at not knowing. I gave him some phone numbers, and he has conservative friends in this county. FRegards ....
257 posted on
08/05/2008 9:34:39 AM PDT by
Arthur Wildfire! March
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