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Ex-wife, kids accuse FLDS polygamous sect foe Fischer of abuse
The Salt Lake Tribune ^ | August 1, 2008 | Brooke Adams

Posted on 08/01/2008 5:10:41 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy

A Utah entrepreneur who has waged a public campaign to assist teens who fled or were kicked out of a polygamous sect was an abusive father and husband who abandoned some of his own children, according to affidavits submitted Thursday to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The allegations against Dan Fischer, founder of South Jordan-based Ultradent Products Inc., are detailed in sworn statements from a former wife, three children, three siblings and others familiar with his family.

Fischer testified before the committee July 24 in a hearing requested by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who is pushing for a federal investigation of the FLDS.

The 14 affidavits were submitted by Rod Parker, a Salt Lake City lawyer and spokesman for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Six affidavits also were posted Thursday on an FLDS Web site,

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: fischer; flds
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To: Saundra Duffy

“Sounds like he’s a real monster, the worst kind, a holier-than-thou monster.”

So, are you saying he’s just like Warren Jeffs?

21 posted on 08/01/2008 7:02:50 PM PDT by UCANSEE2
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To: Saundra Duffy

They made their bed. Let them lie in it. They entered into a polygamous relationship. They did it to themselves.

22 posted on 08/01/2008 7:15:25 PM PDT by AppyPappy (If you aren't part of the solution, there is good money to be made prolonging the problem.)
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To: Saundra Duffy

“it does not mean that every FLDS man, woman and child should be rounded up, emotionally tortured, and destroyed.”

Which is the ‘why’ of this whole thing. These people were rounded up by Warren, and emotionally tortured, even though they thought it was the ‘word of God’, and young girls are destroyed by being forced into sex, when THEY aren’t ready.
Elissa Wall said it. She didn’t know that men and women did anything else in bed, except sleep.

Isn’t that a bit creepy? To play that game with a little girl? Her not knowing what sex is, and you an adult?

You’re statement translates to: even if the women and children, and men, were treated like slaves by Warren and his posse, that the CPS had no right to investigate, and do what it takes to identify the children, and take them out of a dangerous environment until the legal end of things are complete.

I don’t think the CPS had much choice, but to act. And to act on what they saw. And act on information from reputable sources.

The Sheriff has made statements confirming the information we have talked about in these threads.

The children were taken, identified, and the best care possible was taken of them, considering the circumstances.

You can ‘see’ this situation from the view of a 12 year old child of the FLDS, but at some point, it is valuable to look at it from the view of an adult, who knows what is legal, what is not, and knows that while it was hard on the women, and children, (and men), it was necessary, and it is done.

Evidence is slowly being released and we see that the claims are very likely true.

There can be civil lawsuits by the FLDS against whatever authority they choose to target, for whatever ‘right’ they think was violated, or law not followed.

No one is against that. That IS their right.

The situation with the children, and the newly starting Criminal case, are two different things.

IIRC, you said you were all for prosecuting any of the men who were indicted.

How could these indictments have come about, if CPS had not gone in to investigate the complaints?

Remember, there were already complaints, but the FLDS wouldn’t cooperate with the CPS, in four years.

I understand your concern for the women and children, and commend you for sticking to it. (again)

But, aren’t you ignoring the bigger picture?

23 posted on 08/01/2008 7:25:30 PM PDT by UCANSEE2
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To: Saundra Duffy
Dan Fischer testified at the Senate hearing on July 21st.

Then a bunch of people in sworn affidavits accused him of family abuse . . . abuse allegedly occurred years ago but all the affidavits were dated from the 25th of July to the 30th.

Who do these people think they're kidding?

24 posted on 08/01/2008 7:25:31 PM PDT by Alice in Wonderland
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To: Saundra Duffy

Saundra, you didn’t address my comments in #4.

Have you thought about it yet? Have you even barely considered it? Isn’t it a nightmare scenario you wouldn’t want yourself or a loved one to experience?

I’d love an answer. I’m signing off now because its East Coast time, and is late for me. I look forward to your addressing my #4 postulation. Can you bear to consider it and truthfully reply?

25 posted on 08/01/2008 7:45:14 PM PDT by rightazrain (Our Constitution is hanging on how Justice Kennedy feels when he gets up in the a.m.-Rush Limbaugh)
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To: Saundra Duffy
That is one reason why the ex FLDS book writers are skating on thin ice.

I hope you're not suggesting that Jon Krakauer, the author of Under the Banner of Heaven, is ex-FLDS, because he is not. He is a well-respected journalist and author. Why don't you read the book? It was written in 2004, long before the recent raid on YFZ.

Saundra, if you're not going to believe the tons of evidence that exists about this group and its practices, why are you so quick to believe some unsubstantiated, very late claims about something that may have happened over 20 years ago? You're so quick to be suspicious about everything else, but not this. I sincerely question your abiity to reason and discern.

26 posted on 08/01/2008 7:52:39 PM PDT by Flo Nightengale (Keep sweet? I'll show you sweet.....)
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To: Saundra Duffy
Takes one to know one.

I haven't heard that since the 5th grade. LOL

27 posted on 08/01/2008 7:57:18 PM PDT by ladyjane
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To: Flo Nightengale

“tons of evidence that exists about this group and its practices”

That is not true. There is not “tons of evidence” against the FLDS. If there were, the terrorized children would not have been returned to their mothers.

28 posted on 08/01/2008 8:00:52 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy (For victory & freedom!!!)
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To: Saundra Duffy
There is not “tons of evidence” against the FLDS.

But you believe the evidence is unshakeable against Fischer? Unbelievable.

This is why I suggested you read the book by Krakauer--he's not ex-FLDS (who you dismiss out of hand unfairly), and it was written long before this situation in Texas developed. But frankly, I don't think the whole of the FLDS membership openly admitting in court to the practice of underage marriages, statutory rape, etc. would convince you.

29 posted on 08/01/2008 8:22:23 PM PDT by Flo Nightengale (Keep sweet? I'll show you sweet.....)
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To: Saundra Duffy
"And the witch hunt continues . . ."

As you say, "Takes one to know one."

Shame! May the Lord make you feel a deep shame for calling this man a hypocrite. This is a man who is known to give his time and treasure to give homes and educations to the boys kicked out of the cult. A man who has acknowledged and repented his old life and now tries to make amends.

When are we going to read your research about Rulon and Lorene Keates' little girl. You know, Lorene's only little girl, according to Rulon, who pointed out pictures of a little blond girl for the NBC cameras. That little girl who disappeared, dissolved into the ether, when Rulon and Lorene, backed by Willie the Enforcer, denied her existence on the Today show. When they suddenly claimed that the danger of marriage at 12, motherhood by 15 (as Jeffs is charged with doing, himself) didn't apply to them, since they 'only have boys."

FLDS Lorene and Rulon show pictures of their daughter here here and here

Lorene and Rulon, on “Today,” when Rulon says, "we only have boys" here ">here, and here

Lorene and Rulon, on “Today,” when Rulon says, "we only have boys" here

30 posted on 08/01/2008 8:25:15 PM PDT by hocndoc ( (I have a mustard seed and I'm not afraid to use it.))
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To: Saundra Duffy

The only thing the higher courts declared was that all of the children shouldn’t be removed from the cult compound. Since then, they’ve allowed the prevention of return of at least one girl. The Supreme Court specifically stated that the judge and CPS could set conditions on the mothers, before return and in order to keep custody.

And we’ve learned that the little girl that Warren Jeffs kissed for the wedding photographer had a baby when she was 15.

31 posted on 08/01/2008 8:32:38 PM PDT by hocndoc ( (I have a mustard seed and I'm not afraid to use it.))
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To: hocndoc; colorcountry; greyfoxx39; Pan_Yans Wife; MHGinTN; Colofornian; Elsie; FastCoyote; ...

FLDS Ping.

32 posted on 08/01/2008 8:47:17 PM PDT by JRochelle (John McCain will be better than Bush on wasteful government spending.)
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To: Saundra Duffy
And the witch hunt continues . . .

And I for one hope it goes on until each & everyone of these polygamists who take underage girls as brides are JAILED. I hope they get the mothers who allow their girls to be raped by old men or men they don't want to marry. They belong in jail too. Would you want to live such a life? Would you want this for your daughter???

I hope any parent who tossed their underage son away in the name of their religion gets charged too. Enough is enough. I am sick of this whole business. I don't understand why you don't see it for what it is! Shaking my head as usual. Prayers for the children of this cult too.

33 posted on 08/01/2008 8:59:28 PM PDT by pandoraou812 (Don't play leapfrog with a unicorn! ...........^............)
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To: Saundra Duffy
First of all, everyone deserves due process before being condemned.

And everyone as a private citizen is entitled to their opinion. It's clear they're guilty. Most everyone who has heard those who've escaped sees no reason to doubt their testimony. Those perverts can't be jailed without a trial but there's not much doubt in the minds of any thinking adult that rape of children is wrong and that if they did it, and it sure looks like they did, then they are wrong.

Second, what the authorities did by terrorizing the children in the raid and roundup was absolutely horrific.

Pictures? Of men herding kinds on the buses at gunpoint? Sources besides the FLDS sayso? Other eyewitness accounts?

And the witch hunt continues . . .

That's right... of the state of Texas, the foster parents who were doing their job, and everyone who sees that the FLDS is wrong.

I've never seen so many people vilified because they object to child rape and forced marriages.

34 posted on 08/01/2008 9:09:44 PM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: Saundra Duffy

And you’re not holier-than-thou?

35 posted on 08/01/2008 9:14:03 PM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: Saundra Duffy
Lawyer Parker should have advised his clients to get their divorces from the man in a court of law!

What is wrong with these people that they can't quite understand that governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that there is no room for a Joe Stalin or a Warren Jeffs in our system no matter how desirable they might see him.

36 posted on 08/01/2008 9:16:44 PM PDT by muawiyah (We need a "Gastank For America" to win back Congress)
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To: Saundra Duffy

Link to the affidavits:

Isn’t it amazing that some of these people have kept silent for 35 years. Only now, after the doctor testified at the senate hearing, have they come forth.

I’d sure like to hear their spin about the time Warren Jeffs twisted Annette’s braid until he was ripping out her hair in front of a group of boys, telling them their wives had to be that obedient.

37 posted on 08/01/2008 9:17:46 PM PDT by Alice in Wonderland
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To: Saundra Duffy

Why would we expect a cult who marries off young girls and lies about it to all of a sudden become a paragon of virtue and be telling the truth about this guy?

Haven’t they (just like another polygamous cult we all know and hate) been told that it’s OK to lie to *outsiders*; those they consider the *infidels* or *unbelievers*?

So why should we trust them now?

38 posted on 08/01/2008 9:20:00 PM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: metmom
I've never seen so many people vilified because they object to child rape and forced marriages.

lol....Wait MM we will be hit with all kinds of comments. But we are used to them aren't we? Prayers for the children & prayers that this cult is weakened each time they jail another one of these perverts.

39 posted on 08/01/2008 9:20:30 PM PDT by pandoraou812 (Don't play leapfrog with a unicorn! ...........^............)
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To: Saundra Duffy

Come now, Saundra. You are such a defender of truth and justice. I’m surprised that you haven’t called for a clear airing of all of the facts and reminded us all that the man is innocent until proven guilty.

You have asked all of us to do the same regarding the FLDS and abuse claims.

Doesn’t Fisher deserve the same type of respect?

40 posted on 08/01/2008 9:21:02 PM PDT by Pan_Yans Wife
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