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To: pissant

Nothing but election year pandering and you all are falling for it.

Hunter could introduce legislation tomorrow (or 2 years ago) that would clarify how the 10 year mand is applied to LEO’s so they are not subject to it if they make a judgement mistake while acting in the line of duty, with exceptions for premeditation or corruption.

With the support you say Ramos and Compeon have in Congress, it could be fasttracked and on the Prez’s desk in less than a month. Once it is signed their attorney could take it to a federal judge who would order their immediate release. Not only would it help R&C it would protect all future LEO’s subject to the same situation.

But they haven’t done this. Not Hunter, not Tancredo not any of the pols who claim they are so horrified at them being in prison.

Why? This baby is a PR and fundraising miracle that keeps giving and giving.

Now the usual suspects will come on say this is impossible (why wouldn’t they support/explore something that could have R&C out quickly? Hmmm...) but I’ve talked to a couple attorneys who say in fact this could be done. Even our resident constitutional attorney Billybob says it could but they won’t because “it’s too hard, they want the easy way out”.

41 posted on 07/31/2008 4:11:32 AM PDT by Bob J
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To: Bob J

>>>>Hunter could introduce legislation tomorrow (or 2 years ago)....
H.R. 563: Congressional Pardon for Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean Act

Sponsor: Rep. Duncan Hunter [R-CA]

show cosponsors (103)
Cosponsors [as of 2008-07-05]

Rep. Robert Aderholt [R-AL]
Rep. Todd Akin [R-MO]
Rep. Rodney Alexander [R-LA]
Rep. Richard Baker [R-LA]
Rep. James Barrett [R-SC]
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett [R-MD]
Rep. Rob Bishop [R-UT]
Rep. Marsha Blackburn [R-TN]
Rep. Jo Bonner [R-AL]
Rep. John Boozman [R-AR]
Rep. Henry Brown [R-SC]
Rep. Vern Buchanan [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Burgess [R-TX]
Rep. Dan Burton [R-IN]
Rep. Ken Calvert [R-CA]
Rep. John Campbell [R-CA]
Rep. Christopher Cannon [R-UT]
Rep. Eric Cantor [R-VA]
Rep. Shelley Capito [R-WV]
Rep. John Carter [R-TX]
Rep. Howard Coble [R-NC]
Rep. Tom Cole [R-OK]
Rep. Robert Cramer [D-AL]
Rep. Barbara Cubin [R-WY]
Rep. David Davis [R-TN]
Rep. Geoff Davis [R-KY]
Rep. Lincoln Davis [D-TN]
Rep. Charles Dent [R-PA]
Rep. John Doolittle [R-CA]
Rep. John Duncan [R-TN]
Rep. Philip English [R-PA]
Rep. Terry Everett [R-AL]
Rep. Mary Fallin [R-OK]
Rep. Tom Feeney [R-FL]
Rep. Virginia Foxx [R-NC]
Rep. Trent Franks [R-AZ]
Rep. Jim Gerlach [R-PA]
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest [R-MD]
Rep. John Gingrey [R-GA]
Rep. Virgil Goode [R-VA]
Rep. Barton Gordon [D-TN]
Rep. Ralph Hall [R-TX]
Rep. Doc Hastings [R-WA]
Rep. Robin Hayes [R-NC]
Rep. Walter Herger [R-CA]
Rep. David Hobson [R-OH]
Rep. Tim Holden [D-PA]
Rep. Samuel Johnson [R-TX]
Rep. Walter Jones [R-NC]
Rep. Ric Keller [R-FL]
Rep. Jack Kingston [R-GA]
Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ray LaHood [R-IL]
Rep. Doug Lamborn [R-CO]
Rep. Steven LaTourette [R-OH]
Rep. Ron Lewis [R-KY]
Rep. Frank LoBiondo [R-NJ]
Rep. Donald Manzullo [R-IL]
Rep. Kenny Marchant [R-TX]
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter [R-MI]
Rep. John McHugh [R-NY]
Rep. Howard McKeon [R-CA]
Rep. John Mica [R-FL]
Rep. Candice Miller [R-MI]
Rep. Gary Miller [R-CA]
Rep. Jeff Miller [R-FL]
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave [R-CO]
Rep. Sue Myrick [R-NC]
Rep. Devin Nunes [R-CA]
Rep. Steven Pearce [R-NM]
Rep. John Peterson [R-PA]
Rep. Joseph Pitts [R-PA]
Rep. Todd Platts [R-PA]
Rep. Ted Poe [R-TX]
Rep. Jon Porter [R-NV]
Rep. Tom Price [R-GA]
Rep. Rick Renzi [R-AZ]
Rep. Harold Rogers [R-KY]
Rep. Michael Rogers [R-AL]
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher [R-CA]
Rep. Edward Royce [R-CA]
Rep. James Saxton [R-NJ]
Rep. Peter Sessions [R-TX]
Rep. John Shadegg [R-AZ]
Rep. John Shimkus [R-IL]
Rep. Christopher Smith [R-NJ]
Rep. Mark Souder [R-IN]
Rep. Zackary Space [D-OH]
Rep. Clifford Stearns [R-FL]
Rep. John Sullivan [R-OK]
Rep. Thomas Tancredo [R-CO]
Rep. Lee Terry [R-NE]
Rep. Todd Tiahrt [R-KS]
Rep. Patrick Tiberi [R-OH]
Rep. Timothy Walberg [R-MI]
Rep. James Walsh [R-NY]
Rep. David Weldon [R-FL]
Rep. Edward Whitfield [R-KY]
Rep. Roger Wicker [R-MS]
Rep. Addison Wilson [R-SC]
Rep. Rob Wittman [R-VA]
Rep. Frank Wolf [R-VA]
Rep. Bill Young [R-FL]

Status: Introduced Jan 18, 2007

42 posted on 07/31/2008 4:40:51 AM PDT by Calpernia (Hunters Rangers - Raising the Bar of Integrity
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