The moron actually said that??
Watch the video
This is crying out to be made into an ad. It will infuriate people - talking to us like we're idiots -
as well as pretty much saying that there's no need to drill - just inflate your tires, morons.
This MUST be made an ad -ending with a poor family with the bare minimum on the supper table. When supper's over, a kid holds up his plate and asks for more. Mother looks at the empty platter on the table, then turns to the child and says: “Lick your plate.”
Freep the ad makers at GOP and McCain site
Pardon my lianguage but this idiot must be one of the dumbest bastards I’ve ever seen. Just watch the video and you will be amazed. McCain’s having a good day considering the Ludacris song flap and now the messiah’s incredible claim that keeping our car tires inflated and getting regular tune ups will result in fuel savings equal to any new domestic drilling. I’m speechless.
Obama’s answer to every question is to puff up and inflate his ego...
Obama knows proper air
Actually that statement has been making the rounds for the last five years. Mostly about ANWR. Four years ago I was arguing with a co worker about energy and I mentiond ANWR. He immediately said that all the oil in ANWR would amount to no more than the oil we’d save if we all inflated our tires properly. It sounded rehearsed but I didn’t carry the discussion further. If someone would google the haloed one’s words I’m betting you’d be directed to a five year old talking point.
Dear Lord,
Spare me the agony of listening anymore to this false prophet. Better yet, put me to sleep like Rip Van Winkle and re awake me on election day.
Wow... well it’s all so simple! Thanks Barry!
I can’t wait to hear what the pseudo-messiah will say about preventing terroist attacks. He will of course have to consult first with Winnie the Pooh, but I can just see the bumper stickers, “Have you hugged a Jihadist today?”
Well, he thinks he can save the world by inflating his own ego... so why not?