I wonder if China will wait until the night before the games to start censoring email or if it’ll start earlier than that...
Rick -
I said it. Please remember a government can be reprehensible and authoritarian and NOT Communist. China today is no different than many past regimes in its attempt to maintain control of its population and image. It HAS adopted capitalism in an unrestrained form and reflects many of the ills of present-day Russia.
The triads and tongs are back as are their methods of making money. The Party permits to them to exist as long as local officials get their cut.
China has seen numerous dynasties come and go, some as brutal, if not more so, than the Communist “dynasty”; we can only hope that it, too, shall pass. It’s my hope that Olympic troubles like this will precipitate that decline.
A greater fear is a more nationalistic regime, which may be more open to entrepreneurship but also more xenophobic, like Russia.
Wikipedia and youtube are banned outright in China. Many search terms on Google lead to the appearance of “the red screen of death.”
Seriously, if you recall that poster, let me know.