Posted on 07/30/2008 7:11:00 AM PDT by Mobile Vulgus
Jonathan Weisman is reporting on his "The Trail" blog that presumptuous Democratic nominee Barack Obama told House Democrats that he believes himself to be the symbol of all that is good in America. It appears that he is beginning to believe the over-the-top hype that he really is the Obamessiah for America. So, will this little Washington Post blog post make waves in the media? Will Barack's increasingly out-of-control ego become the talk of the day?
Weisman reports that candidate Obama met in a closed door meeting with House Democrats and he let loose with a "real zinger," as Weisman put it. He told the rapt audience of House members that his candidacy was the moment "the world is waiting for" -- as if the whole world clamored for his presence? He went even further than that proving that he may be losing touch with reality and believing his own surreal campaign rhetoric.
"I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions," he said.
Wow, the arrogance in that. The hubris, the astounding hubris of it all is overwhelming to anyone that knows even a tiny bit of human history. This is the sort of thing if said by a Republican would be hung around that candidate's neck like a mill stone. The epithet of "arrogant" would be the tail pinned forever to him and would appear in every single news story. Should a Republican bespeak of himself in such terms, he'd be branded the next Hitler leading us all to ruin.
Why Obama gets a pass for this sort of messianic rhetoric is amazing to me. It also amazes me that his string pullers are allowing him to speak like this. He is building himself up so high that he cannot possibly maintain this level of acclaimed perfection of purpose and spirit. If he wins in November, when the inevitable compromises and missteps begin to occur, and his high flung rhetoric begins to ring hollow, he will assuredly fall far faster and much farther than any common politician. Certainly his reputation as the new messiah will not be able to stand the tarnishing of real life and his mind-numbed fans will awake from their stupor and find themsleves livid at his failures?...
Read the rest at
Best Traditions? I cant think of a single one...
* Communist mentors
* Insane black liberation preachers
* Affirmative action baby
* Bitter, angry wife
* Consorting with terrorists who bombed our government
* No record of any accomplishment
* Believing it’s ok to let babies die of exposure if they’re “accidentally” born during an abortion
* He would have his grandchild(ren) aborted if his daughters got pregnant
* There are 57 states
Best traditions?? When did SOCIALISM become one of America's BEST TRADITION? I'm confused when it happened!!
I predict if this nutball is elected he will be isolated and abandoned by his own party and another Democrat won’t be elected President for generations.
Careful there slick. That can get you a visit by the SS. Speaking of which why the heck are they still named the SS? I mean I think the Nazis kind of put a nasty negative connotation on those initials for a few centuries. Maybe the Preatorians would be better.
Obama has a great amount of experience. Why, I recall when he was the one responsible for the historic merger of the two greatest shirt companies in the world, Arrow, and Gant.He even was the symbol of the great coming together of all that cotton-Arrogant!
In deference to his trip to Europe recently, My Babelfish translator put out this:
German: Der fuchs, der viele Gesichter tragt, ein Lugner is und nicht vertraut werden soil.
French: Le Renard qui porte beaucoup de visages, est un menteur et ne doit pas etre fait confiance.
English: The fox who wears many faces, is a liar and is not to be trusted./Just Asking - seoul62......
The most accurate description is 'goon'.
“Barack Obama told House Democrats that he believes himself to be the symbol of all that is good in America. It appears that he is beginning to believe the over-the-top hype that he really is the Obamessiah for America.”
Pride goeth before the fall.
Please Lord, make it quick, make it very public. (If I may state a preference Lord, I have to say I really like what you did in response to King Herod's overwhelming pride...)
Obama is a symbol of America’s best TRADITION??
No, he is a symbol of BS that the DBM and DEMS are sprewing!!
Again , I say mcCain can go home and run a front porch campaign like they did at the turn of last century.
Keep the ads running in the swing states against Barry.
Make a good VP pick. Kick some Barry “can’t do it without a teleprompter” Obama in some debates and finally .....
Found this while snooping around on Puma:
Supposedly Hillary has agreed to allow her name to be placed in nomination if she gets the required 300 delegate signatures (there is some question as to the # required but I’m pretty sure it is 300).
This all came out as a result of the radio show and chat at Ed’s link in the first post.
Delegates and others are agreeing to contact other delegates in their states to get the remaining signatures (100). They may get even more—not sure.
THEN, as I said, at the same time delegates and SD’s need to be contacted and make an agreement to vote for her at the convention.
Simply placing her name in nomination and then not getting enough votes is symbolic only.
It is said that a lot of delegates (and probably SD’s also) fear for their jobs and safety based on threats from Obama thugs.
Reportedly John Edwards was told if he didn’t endorse Obama, they would spill the beans about his affair.
I suggested that EACH person who has been threatened and intimidated go public.
Then if something happens or they lose their jobs, they have it on record who and why.
What do you think?
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