You don't have to find out because we typically do not get into that situation. I have been in a position where I had no place to go, no money, and no contacts, where I had to get work immediately, or face some pretty dire consequences. I knocked on every door and filled out every application, and had work by the next day. The minimum wage pay sucked and the work sucked, but it was work. After I got off work, I continued to knock on doors and fill out applications. Within a week, I had a job that paid more (though the work still sucked). Over the next six months, I moved through a succession of jobs, until I finally wound up in a position where I was doing pretty well and had an opportunity for advancement.
None of the illegal immigrants are wearing Dorothys red shoes...where you simply click your heels to go back home.
They can get home. They just don't want to go home. Even with increased enforcement, the prospects are still better here. What they really want are Ruby Slippers that let them come and go at will.
Proud resident of Prince William County here.
It really nauseates me that some who are supposedly “compassionate” think that the majority of those facing “hard luck” or “good luck” had no hand in the results they’re facing, nor have any responsibility to get themselves out of it.