Posted on 07/23/2008 2:58:58 PM PDT by Tailgunner Joe
Radovan Karadzic was arrested after information provided to investigators by the Hague's other most wanted man, Ratko Mladic, German intelligence sources have revealed.
General Mladic, who was Karadzic's military commander and led Bosnian Serb troops during the massacre at Srebrenica, is one of two Balkans war crimes suspects still on the run.
His capture is expected within weeks as his political support network crumbles and the European Union continues to pressure Serbia to hand him over.
But according to German intelligence sources, Mladic has been negotiating with those hunting him over the terms of his capture, and "gave information on [on Karadzic's whereabouts] to save himself".
According to a source close to the German foreign intelligence service, the BND, Mladic is determined to avoid going on trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at the Hague.
Instead he wants to face proceedings at a local court in Serbia, where he is still regarded by a hero by some. Local war crimes trials began in Belgrade in 2004, and are housed in a special courtroom kitted out with a dock encased in bullet proof glass.
Last year, in a verdict seen as a crucial test of Serbia's ability to dispense justice against its own, four Serb paramilitaries who took part in the Srebrenica massacre were sentenced to a total of 58 years in jail. The four featured on video footage of the massacre in which six Bosnian Muslims were summarily executed.
Despite that verdict however, it appears inconceivable that Mladic will not be extradited to the Hague if and when he is caught.
"Mladic gave some information on Karadzic, probably several months ago to save himself," said the source. "That means he knows there will be a trial."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Ratko...must mean “I am a RAT!”
I don’t necessarily believe this. Might be a way to try to get some Serbs to turn on Mladic and then rat on his whereabouts. Something smells fishy here. Why would Mladic do this, give info on Karadzic. What would it gain him? He hasn’t been caught yet to want to try to bargain by using Karadzic as a chip. I don’t know. This just doesn’t strike me right. I think it’s a lie.
The dilemma being voiced in this article is that while Karadzic was protected by elements of the Serb government, Rat-ko is being protected by hardcore elements of the Serb army.
The article references former Serb president Zoran Djindjic, assassinated by Serb hardliners for handing over Slobo.
We’ll see, in this case it’s all about the benjamins (EU membership). When it becomes too expensive to protect the bums, they get handed over.
Today’s WaPo has a Style section article on Mladic. A former college-age freelancer who was there in 92’ and interviewed Karadic in his lair at Pale expresses his wonder at the time at what a ludicrous bunch they all were.
Above all, I blame the hand-wringing, soft-power, too-cool-for-school Eurotrash for not getting up the stones to deal with this pack of half-assed crooks on their own doorstep and letting them run roughshod for several years over their former country until Slick Willie belatedly put the (partial) kibosh on them.
German intelligence, sounds like a good idea
As reliable as National Enquirer
Karadzic's brother, Luka, told the press today that his brother was going to surrender to authorities in January 2009 in order to wait out the mandate of The Hague, preferring to be tried in Serbia rather than there.
We dont thrust Germans since sep. 1st 1939.
"Rat" in Serbian, means "war". Hence "Ratko" translates as "Warrior".
Agreed, it doesn't make sense. Because helping them catch Karadzic, would mean that they could focus all their attention on catching Mladic. There's no advantage in it for Mladic to do this.
I think that they are just using this story as "bait" for Mladic to surface, or use someone to deny it so that they can track them. And also to smear Mladic's reputation. Also maybe to throw people off the scent of who really located Karadzic.
“I think that they are just using this story as “bait” for Mladic to surface, or use someone to deny it so that they can track them. And also to smear Mladic’s reputation. Also maybe to throw people off the scent of who really located Karadzic.”
Bless you Flag Lady! I love Freepers who think!
There are lot of controversy, contradictorial information and "analysis" all over the media which is suitable for making up all kinds of "conspiracy theories".
What I`m sure of is that some most important links or infos will never see the day light...
Juxtaposition of several reports with similar news or analysis pattern is showing:
Was he arrested or kidnapped near Batajnica on the Friday like his solicitor claims? If so, maybe it could explain the postpone of parliamentary session till september??
DDD/RK has presented himself in public by the end of last year by getting false ID of person who is dead or alive: Who is (was) Dragan Dabić? the first question of identity, then question why did he go in public at first place: exibitionism (?): Karadić craved attention or his own wish to be cought after all like some argue. After all "There are no hopeless situations" says Dr. Dabic: PressPress: Karadić hiding and bust, fine details.
Obviously, the protection shield was lift up and at least 2 security circles pulled off but how and for what reason now?
Its known that he was arrested in Serbia, Belgrade by security forces or some individuals hired by them but now, who claims the credit for the arrest? By another analysis western services might call it their own accomlishment (which, in my opinion would be good at least to calm Threason! situation in Serbia (remember where Gotovina was arrested?), since everyone had enough of this destructive fake patriotism on the streets of Belgrade and I never buy so esealy Serbs-against-Serbs rubbish) and with citing a source close to German secret services BND we hear that "Mladić betrayed Karadić to save self".
That is the move worth of several goals or three flies with one strike:
1.Taking the credit for arrest (partial at least)
2.Taking off the topic the subject of Holbrooke and RK pact: Karadzic Made Secret Deal with US to Spare Him from Prosecution, Paper Claims, what was also the info said by Biljana Plavsic or to shut up Florence Hartmann: Russia and the US accused of secret deal to protect Karadzic 3.Pressing Serbs to handover Mladic: Now for Mladić Rice is shouting from Singapore.
RK wants to defend himself in ICTY (since he was delighted by selfdefense of Vojislav Seselj): Hague checking Karadić indictment, but the Hague opposes that by saying bureaucratic that he doesn`t have law degree which is not in any contrariarity with anglosaxon law yet with continental it is.
Next to this news is comment that he would, by selfdeffense, cirtainly make the court his own manipulative political stage and present himself as Serbs seviour. Therefore, he doesn`t need to defend himself since he`s already convicted. So much about judiciary institutions and all the information and facts that might easily have been true in those bloody days, now might be ignored at court as "baseless" or propaganda.
Put side by side all those "news" reveal just one thing: more and more political pressures on Serbia without any guaranties for faster start of SAA program with EU or getting candidate status (exept maybe of Italians who want to speed up economical contract or Olli Rehn who advocates for status in the beginning of 2009.) because of constant opposings from Holland (in try to ease their guilt over Silvertown region).
That is the biggest reason psychological pressure against all Serbs no matter what, continuing demonisation and dehumanisation of the whole nation.
By that, we have another news and fascistic statements from muslim government in Bosnia: BOSNIAN MUSLIM LEADER HARIS SILAJDZIC: "This is at least some satisfaction for the families of victims. Justice cannot be fully met without Karadzic's and Mladic's arrest. But the fact remains that Milosevic is dead, Karadzic is arrested but their project of ethnic cleansing unfortunately still lives on in Bosnia-Herzegovina."
In other words: let`s now eliminate the project of Srpska, let`s reopen and reproduce the former indicment for genocide against state of Serbia, since it the charges were rejected, and let`s further harras RK`s family Lajčak still to decide on Karadić family plea.
I`m always for conviction of proven criminals especially warlords, but ladies and gentleman, let`s do it to ALL of them, because those villans have no nationality, and do not create the lynch mob that will put the stain of colective guilt upon one nation using blunder, hoax and media hunts because it might get after you when least expected.
"News", speculations and mass press histeria. There must be some movie-kitchen in Hollywood cooking scenario for a new blockbuster.
For me, this is the news of the day: Slovak PM: Establish responsibility for NATO bombing
I don't believe it for a minute.....they just want people to rat on him and his whereabouts.
We can only speculate...lots of disinformation being thrown around.
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