This is getting more serious than I thought.
Spread amongst the good in the whole is much evil. I’ve always been tolerant of homosexuals. My wife and I even had a couple as friends at one point in our life.
Love the sinner, hate the sin, we’ve always tried to live. But, that was a response to 15 years ago, when the politics of homosexuality was “give us basic civil rights”. I had no problem with that on a political level, though disdaining the personal lifestyle.
Now, however, the homosexual zealots are demanding the end to the holy sacrament of matrimony and demanding via political correctness they be accepted in churches. They demand we abide the laws of political correcteness and throw away God’s laws. Robinson’s remark was so condescending and smug, talking about how the Anglicans will fudge compromise and thus accepting man’s laws over God’s laws.
One can’t help but think that there is evil in his intentions. The followers of Jesus Christ will be persecuted and we’re just seeng the beginning of it. In time, most churches will be shallow shells of Christianity, few churches will keep the Laws.
When Anglicans quit talking and begin to act, it's VERY serious.