“That Bush family decency and civility has produced a second failed Presidency, and has left the conservative movement in the same shape that Clinton left the Democrats.”
I agree. I’m sick of belonging to a party that refuses to fight back. I’m sick of MY GUYS allowing these traitorous, power-mad fools say anything they want about anything they want, do nothing, and never, ever, EVER be called on it.
Every Republican should be out there SCREAMING the message that it’s the Democrats and the Democrats alone that are behind America’s inability to supply our own gasoline. They should REFUSE to go on break, REFUSE to leave town and park their spoiled asses on the steps of the Capitol, if need be, to make the masses aware that WE are trying to solve this problem, while the traitorous Democrats do nothing and run from it.
But I guess our guys are too busy getting their beach houses ready, flying off on vacations to Bermuda, or writing songs honoring the brave and noble Kennedy.
There are about 40 of them in the house, that are fighting and fighting hard. They claim they comments, denials etc, are not covered, the DBM refuses to cover them. Much like they did Hunter and others during the Primary. They want us to know, and they want us to insist the rest of the Republicans join them. We need to take charge again, and we need to let all those doing nothing, that we demand they stop or we will toss them out.
Also let them no, in no uncertain terms that THIS is one of the very reasons we lost in 06!
or writing songs honoring the brave and noble Kennedy.
Hatch lost his political usefulness about 6 or 7 years ago. He should be feeding pigions on the parkbench every afternoon.