What would happen if the Catholic Church put an interdict on the city and refused to allow any Catholic sacraments to be performed inside it. No Masses said, no confessions, no baptisms or funerals....
This shows the futility of the Bishop of San Francisco giving Communion to the homosexuals dressed up in those outfits last year, there is little point in toadying when all that will happen is the immoral will reject Christ anyway.
Bribing them by debasing the Church will not work..period.
...What would happen if the Catholic Church etc..
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Sounds good...Excommunicate the whole city ...
I still think the tobacco companies should refuse to sell their product in the states that continued to ‘abuse’ them.
See how long they could live without the tax money.
No charity either. Cut off the spigot and force Newsom and his fellow intrinsically disordered colleagues to start footing the bill for all of the work the Church does presently at no cost to the taxpayer. Niederauer needs to confront these idiots head on.
That would be the traditional and commensurate response, but I doubt if the Catholic Church (even under BXVI) has that kind of moral backbone any longer. Certainly the American episcopate would faint dead away if Rome were to suggest something like this.
The media would go nuts about the Catholic Church being “unChristian”.