Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish conspiracy against the One of Light (snobama-messiah) ping! Out to “get” poor snobama, who only wants to bring “enlightenment” to us “bitter” people and take us to a land of rainbows, puppies, kitties, lollipops where every day broccoli turns into chocolate candy.
The people who are helping run Obama’s campaign remind me of Jack Lemmon’s character from “The Out of Towners”. He was constantly taking out a old rumpled up note pad and writing people’s names on it every time they peeved him off and threatening to “report them”. The characters who were accused by Lemon always had this look on their face that said....Whatever...
The “Jewish Lobby” should show O their backsides as they stop any support for him. If given the opportunity, he’ll put a stake through Jerusalem’s heart as sure as I’m writing this.