A month late but a pretty neat story.
Bet this kid goes far
1 posted on
07/06/2008 9:19:40 AM PDT by
To: mylife
Now, if we could just get some sunspot activity to open up 6meter dx....
2 posted on
07/06/2008 9:21:20 AM PDT by
(Bless us all, each, and every one.)
To: mylife
Now he can listen to a bunch of grumpy old men arguing about the need for learning code.
3 posted on
07/06/2008 9:23:00 AM PDT by
To: mylife
The amateur radio license he recently earned puts him in touch with folks from all over. Couldn't he just surf the 'net?
4 posted on
07/06/2008 9:23:02 AM PDT by
To: mylife
5 posted on
07/06/2008 9:23:20 AM PDT by
( This tag blank until football season.)
To: mylife
Way to go Cameron, hope to work you down the log,best 73s- n2dcp.
7 posted on
07/06/2008 9:25:01 AM PDT by
(_ _ . /_ _ _ /_ . . / / . . . . / . / . _ . . / . _ _ . / / . . _ / . . . //)
To: mylife
Way to go Cameron, hope to work you down the log,best 73s- n2dcp.
9 posted on
07/06/2008 9:26:36 AM PDT by
(_ _ . /_ _ _ /_ . . / / . . . . / . / . _ . . / . _ _ . / / . . _ / . . . //)
To: All
Check this out ....
Field day IraqI picked this broadcast up last night on WBCQ.
Soldiers in Iraq making contact on 14070 khz 31 meter PSK You can hear it here in segment five
11 posted on
07/06/2008 9:30:26 AM PDT by
(The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)
To: mylife
When I was a kid, my shortwave radio was my companion, my window on the world. How many hours I spent, and the thrill of getting that big “catch”, that elusive station. I waited anxiously for the next “Popular Electronics” with the latest shortwave listings. Good times.
12 posted on
07/06/2008 9:30:52 AM PDT by
( This tag blank until football season.)
To: mylife
I've had my license for 54 years and I still remember Morse code. Not bad, considering I can remember what I had for breakfast!
17 posted on
07/06/2008 9:42:41 AM PDT by
(Some people are as dumb as soup.)
To: mylife
Ham radio is a great hobby.
Sometimes you need understanding neighbors though...like when you enjoy moon-bounce with your big dish like VK3UM does :-)
19 posted on
07/06/2008 9:46:28 AM PDT by
(What do I know, I'm a Typical White Guy)
To: mylife; Grammy
Thanks for posting this mylife.
Grammy, this ping is for Mr. G, can’t remember his posting name right now.
Neat story.
27 posted on
07/06/2008 9:53:18 AM PDT by
(Fish Fear Me)
To: mylife; All
This is a great story of a boy & his DAD together to get a common goal. Way to go DAD...
36 posted on
07/06/2008 10:14:18 AM PDT by
(If you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you'll ever imagine!)
To: mylife
Hamming is fun. Morse code is hard to learn, but I know it. (great grandfather was a telegraph operator for the New Haven Railroad.)
41 posted on
07/06/2008 10:57:11 AM PDT by
(Caution: homeschooled teen with a Brain that works - LIBERALS you can't control me!!)
To: mylife
Wow. The test must have been dumbed down a lot since the 60s-70s for a six-year old to pass.
47 posted on
07/06/2008 11:16:19 AM PDT by
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
To: mylife; AlexW; bikerman; Blue_Spark; buccaneer81; camerakid400; catsandmusic; Cindy; clee1; ...
91 posted on
07/06/2008 3:58:37 PM PDT by
(Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.)
To: mylife
My youngest got his when he was 10. He forgot to do the whole last page of the test but he still passed. He did practice tests online until he could pass them every time. The day he wanted to take the test, the local people weren’t giving it so we had to drive for ages to get to the place. He had a ball with it on 2m, but he got into a lot of things and hasn’t kept up. But he did just renew, so maybe he’ll get back in. His older brother bot his a few weeks ahead.
110 posted on
07/06/2008 7:09:33 PM PDT by
Right Wing Assault
("..this administration is planning a 'Right Wing Assault' on values and ideals.." - John Kerry)
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