Thanks for the YouTube link. I wonder what the whole movie was about that made Obama think it influenced his mother.
It’s a remake of the story of Orpheus and Euridices set in Rio during Carnival. If you search the title Black Orpheus you will find a synopsis of the movie’s story. Maybe his mother was fascinated with the idea that black people could identify with an ancient Greek story. Besides the kids were kind of cute, the girl is very pretty and the guy, the romantic lead, is a good-looking black with a good singing voice. The story probably made her cry. Sounds like a typical teenage reaction to the movie to me—at least that’s probably how I would have reacted to it when I was her age. I wouldn’t mind seeing it, if it were ever on TV. Maybe when she met BOH sr. She thought he was going to be just like the guy in the movie and then found herself being “punished with a baby” and a guy that was tired of playing house with a dreamer.