Posted on 07/02/2008 7:00:52 PM PDT by buccaneer81
Holiday DUI suspects risk forced blood test Court's OK likely if breath exam is refused Wednesday, July 2, 2008 9:35 PM By Kathy Lynn Gray THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH Suspected drunken drivers won't be able to "just say no" to blood-alcohol tests in Columbus over the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Police have set up a "no-refusal weekend," meaning that anyone who refuses to take a breath-analysis test will face a blood test instead, courtesy of two local judges on call to sign warrants.
Officers will take suspects to a local hospital to await the warrant and the blood draw.
Ohio law requires blood to be drawn within three hours of the alleged violation. Without some kind of blood-alcohol reading, the court has only the officer's word that the driver was drunk.
"The ability to refuse being tested is a serious problem in enforcement," said Lt. Edward DeVennish, head of the traffic bureau.
"The objective of the weekend is to get awareness of the problems of drunk driving out there and maybe influence someone who would otherwise drive drunk. We lose too many people to drunk drivers."
The summer holiday weekends of July Fourth, Memorial Day and Labor Day are among the worst for drunken-driving crashes. Last year in Ohio, 10 people died over the Fourth of July holiday, said Sgt. Anne Ralston of the State Highway Patrol. Six of the deaths were alcohol-related.
Sgt. Jeff Sowards, who's in charge of Columbus' push this weekend, said extra officers will be on patrol. Franklin County Municipal Judges Carrie Glaeden and Ted Barrows have volunteered to sign the warrants.
Both signed warrants over Memorial Day weekend, the first time Columbus tried a no-refusal effort. Three warrants forcing people to submit to blood tests were signed that weekend, Sowards said.
Police departments in other cities in Ohio and across the nation have conducted no-refusal weekends.
Carl Booth, coordinator of the Franklin County DUI Task Force, said Columbus' efforts are part of a countywide push to reduce alcohol-related crashes. He said 24 agencies will increase patrols and put in about 600 overtime hours this weekend.
Patrols will start earlier in the day because drunken drivers appear earlier on the Fourth. Normally, 80 percent of drunken-driving arrests are made after midnight and 17 percent between 4 p.m. and midnight. But last year on the Fourth, 45percent of arrests were in the earlier period and 50 percent after midnight, Booth said
The task force will have a sobriety checkpoint from 9 p.m. Friday to 3 a.m. Saturday at Norton Road and W. Broad Street in Prairie Township, west of I-270.
Columbus police are encouraging people to call 614-645-4545 if they see a driver who appears to be drunk, or to call 911 if they see a driver seriously endangering others, such as driving the wrong way on a freeway.
You're simplifying the process. The judges will sign the warrants after the suspect refuses the breath test & when the cop explains there is probable cause to believe the suspect was DUI.
Although there's plenty of reasons to be suspicious of cops, I really don't think, in this case, they will go to these lengths for those who have only had a beer or two.
There will be up to 450,000 people in downtown Columbus tonight for fireworks. Beer will be sold & you can bring in coolers. There will be *plenty* of opportunity to get those who are truly DUI without worrying about the marginal cases.
What are the stats on the percentage of drivers stopped for DUI that are actually over the limit? How low can the percentage get before it becomes prima facie evidence that the cop's judgment of "probable cause" is unreliable?
Gee, I can't imagine why... ;-)
Refuse a breathalyzer, automatic suspension.
That’s why God made taxies.
an excellent way to celebrate July 4th.
Your concern is warranted (no pun intended).
But again, there will be so many people truly DUI this weekend & tonight the cops won't need to mess with the marginal cases. It becomes an even bigger waste of their time, resources & credibility than necessary. Why go through all that then have the perp/accused go free because your evidence wasn't strong enough?
Especially with so many sh*t-faced people on the roads this weekend?
Some jurisdictions seize the vehicles of DUI suspects, and force them to--even if acquitted--spend hundreds of dollars in fees to get their car back or else (for cars that aren't worth that much) just abandon their vehicles altogether. I don't know whether the cops here are in such a jurisdiction, but in lawless places that steal people's cars I can see plenty of reason to make DUI arrests without worrying too much about what will hold up in court.
Taxi, rrright... My wife and I were almost killed when a taxi driver passed out on the Eisenhower Exway in Chicago, thank God it was late and not much traffic. Drove from midtown to Jfk at night without the cabs lights on, probably because they simply did not work as he totally ignored my banging on my plexiglass prison. My wife was dumped in the street near Lincoln center when the driver changed his mind about where to let us off. Closer to home here taxi drivers are more likely to be more stoned out of their minds than the fares they pick up at the bars, but they are never pulled over for some reason? Thanks but I will walk.
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