I’m not a rah-rah person for Google / Youtube. I’ve heard stories such as yours and I’m sure it happens. I simply pointed to evidence that there is a huge number of anti-Obama videos and blog sites still out there.
It’s usually fairly easy to reinstate an account that has been suspended in this manner. I’m surprised this guy’s has been out for 2 months.
I suspect that Obama’s supporters are more to blame for this than anyone else. They hit Report Abuse and reported it as a copyright violation. Since his videos DID include copyrighted material, well there’s YouTube’s “out.” They are obviously very lax about copyrighted stuff on the site, and only act if enough people report abuse. Looks like enough people did.
It was a re-mix of Jeremiah Wright's numerous blasphemous speeches while "Personal Jesus" was playing in the background.
This one is also pretty good: