To: SE Mom
In the early days of the internet it was recognized that the internet would be a tool which individuals could use to find the "truth".
While this has certainly happened, it was soon discovered that the internet was being used in another way.
Large numbers of internet users were congregating at certain places on the internet where they could "hear what they want to hear". This is known as "collective self deception".
To: Ben Ficklin
Large numbers of internet users were congregating at certain places on the internet where they could “hear what they want to hear”. This is known as “collective self deception”.
Indeed- which is why I spend time reading and listening to others with opposing views from my own and often ask myself WHY do I believe this or that. Still- even THAT is beside the point. The reason my particular bellyometer went nuts when I read this piece is the implicit threat to liberty. Including the liberty to be foolish, to react rather than think, to be part of a group of “like-minded” folks or be part of “collective self deception” ...
40 posted on
06/28/2008 7:34:14 AM PDT by
SE Mom
(Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
To: Ben Ficklin
What “certain places” as you put it, are you referring to sir? Please elucidate.
No government has a monopoly on perpetuity. The 2nd is THE line we all man.
the Deets
218 posted on
06/28/2008 4:50:37 PM PDT by
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