She’s right, but her answer still falls short.
A military response is necessary, but insufficient. You need to kill the attackers where possible, but there is an endless line of misfits and psychopaths ready to take their place, you’ll never get them all. And, frankly, killing these cretins transmits no pain whatever to the people who deploy them. The arabs themselves do not care about the loss of these lives, almost certainly the Israelis care more about arab lives than do arabs themselves.
The only response that will transmit pain, the only response that will get their attention, will be to annex territory in response to every attack that makes it over the fence. Whether its a rocket, or a mortar shell, or a deluded teenager with a bomb strapped to her waist, the border fence must be moved half a mile every time. The land must be annexed permanently, any structures bulldozed, the loss of land must be permanent. Compensate any innocent landowners affected by the new boundary, but move it.
The UN and State and the arabs have been promoting “land for peace” for decades now, and it has never worked because they had the inputs and outputs reversed. Swap the wires around, and it will work brilliantly. You do not give up land in hope of peace, you seize land in response to every violation of the peace.
There is no other roadmap to peace. Nothing else has ever worked because nothing else is ever going to work.
Does not matter ONE bit if her “answer falls short”, as long as the Israel rockets hit someone and kill them.
I call it "Kilometers for Rockets".