It certainly seems like that should be a no-brainer, but landlords' rights isn't a popular concept in any state.
It's funny that smoking should be the one thing that gets California to consider property rights.
No, they are not considering property rights at all, only political correctness. Private bars and restaurants in CA are banned from allowing smoking within their premises.
I agree that landlords should be able to ban smoking in their building, and bar and restaurant owners should be able to allow it.
Yeah, we ceratinly couldn't get any traction for land owners using eminent domain to pass Prop 98, EVEN THOUGH the rent control elimintation clause in that proposition would have eradicated a form of rent control that is ALREADY ILLEGAL in 44 States in the Union.
But you begin to "get it" when you realize choosing to smoke in one's apartment is considered "my personal business", whereas controlling rent is "for the little guy", and eminent domain is "for the people."
It's not about being rationally consistent from issue to issue, it's about having "the proper position" on each issue separately. Only public education can produce minds with this kind of appetite for cognitive dissonance.