I heard the soundbite, and yes he really did sound over-tired and just suffered a mental block. Been there done that myself, no fun, it happens, sucks hugely when facing an audience.
Give him a break on that one; there’s plenty else to nail him to the wall for.
I agree, but poor Dan Quayle's treatment over the spelling of potato amounted to being dragged behind a truck by the mASS media.
“Blah blah blah blah...oh you don't like that?? I am tired. Bush is stupid... I am just tired”.
“Give him a break on that one; theres plenty else to nail him to the wall for.”
Each to their own, but I won’t give him a break on anything and I think he needs to be nailed to the wall on everything.
No quarter should be shown to this POS or anyone else in his Traitor Party. Sorry, it’s too late for me...I hate him and all of those that support him.
Over tired and drug crash sound about the same. When George Bush, or Ronald Reagan misspoke, after being up for 48 hours or more dealing with a serious problem, the Drive-bys were all over them. Roast him!
Hate to say it to you. Would you want Barry answering that 3:00 AM phone call?
These soundbytes are important. Barry wants to be POTUS. He best wake up. A good POTUS does not use being tired as an excuse.
I think a lot of the attacks are petty and trivial.