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The oil that the US does have will NEVER be drilled because the so called terrorist organization called "Environmentalists" will NEVER allow it to occur. However, you will NEVER here the "Environmentalists" scream of uncontrolled illegal aliens invading this country on top of illegal aliens that put an ADDED burden on the environment! Every 30 days, our U.S. Congress imports 182,000 immigrants into the United States. About 100,000 arrive legally and from 82,000 to 100,000 arrive illegally each month. They flood our cities at a rate of 2.2 to 2.4 million annually. Several other sources show greater numbers from visa overstays, chain migration and anchor babies that never make the population charts.

One aspect of this massive human armada remains true: every alien that arrives displaces an American citizen from a job or costs an American taxpayer a lot of money. Every invader that arrives brings children that require ESL and special services like breakfasts, lunches and tutors. Millions arrive from incompatible cultures that create havoc in local communities as to religious rituals--practices such as female genital mutilation, animal sacrifices, rooster fighting, dog fighting and gang wars such as you saw in Chicago with nine killed and 36 shootings. And Congress swears "Diversity is our strength." More like we the people's signed death warrant!

What makes this invasion more ironic against the citizens of our own society?

The USA imports enormous numbers of immigrants annually in light of the fact that the USA suffers 14 million unemployed Americans. Over 1.5 million Americans walk our streets homeless and jobless. In excess of 13 million American children live below the poverty line. A gigantic 47 million Americans cannot afford health insurance.

While alien numbers pile up on our shores like a human avalanche, our national debt exceeds $9 trillion. Our consumer debt grows at $2 trillion while the average credit card debt runs at $9,240.00. Our taxes swirl the toilet drain at $3 billion a week in Iraq and Afghanistan. We pay $400 million daily on the national debt. Analysts tell us alien invaders send $80 billion back to their countries annually in cash transfers. All the while, illegal aliens do not pay $401 billion in IRS taxes annually as they work off the books.

All the while, illegal invaders avalanche into our hospitals with their medical needs, anchor babies and health care—paid by U.S. taxpayers! Because the escaped health screening at the border, they carry pernicious diseases from the third world like tuberculosis, leprosy, Chagas disease, hepatitis, tapeworms, head lice and dozens of other maladies that infect our citizens.

What reasons does Congress present to the American people for this “Human Katrina?” Where will we the people escape in our own country after another 20, 40, 50 or 100 million of them arrive in our nation? Why do our U.S. Senators stand by while watching this accelerating nightmare of 182,000 invaders added to our country ever 30 days?

Is there a single American that demands this massive population overload? Do you see anyone marching in America’s streets advocating we pile ourselves higher and deeper in human beings? Is there a strategic plan to handle the next added 100 million with our current water shortages, environmental problems, price of gas and horrific crowding in our cities and along our Interstates?

Regional and local civic groups are promoting economic development, which is the politically correct name for growth. Predictably, this will produce more homeless people, more employed people, more unemployed people, higher average salaries, more people living below the poverty line, more traffic congestion, higher parking fees, more school crowding, more crime, more unhappy neighborhoods, more expensive government, more tax revenue, higher taxes, more fiscal problems for state and local governments, more tax limitation measures, more air and water pollution, more water shortages, higher utility costs, less democracy, more crowded highways, more unmanageable costs maintaining public infrastructure, higher food costs and more destruction of the environment.

By the way, Obama, Hillary and McIsane voted last year to double legal immigration and give amnesty to all 20 to 30 million illegal aliens while they supported 400,000 annual anchor babies and unending chain migration.

1 posted on 06/07/2008 10:40:57 AM PDT by Exton1
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To: Exton1
Question: Is there a single American that demands this massive population overload? Do you see anyone marching in America’s streets advocating we pile ourselves higher and deeper in human beings?

Answer: Why Yes I do. The DimoRATS and the Aminesta Crowd.

2 posted on 06/07/2008 10:46:42 AM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country! What else needs said?)
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To: Exton1
This was published in 2006 and is dead on for today!

Alaska’s Gull Island Oil Fields Could Power U.S. for 200 Years

By Mark Anderson

“Crude oil is the real ‘currency’ of the world,” said Lindsey Williams at a gathering of the Midwest Concerned Citizens group in Kansas City on July 22. But Americans will never hear about huge oil and gas reserves in the United States, which, if ever tapped, would bring today’s fuel prices at least as low as $1.50 per gallon and make America more energy independent.

As a Baptist missionary in the 1970s, Williams said he rubbed elbows with members of the world’s power elite—who boasted of detailed 30-year and 50-year plans to control the flow of oil and information.

A huge quantity of crude oil and natural gas exists under Gull Island, located in the waters of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, says Williams. He cited key British Petroleum memoranda and related the statements of upper echelon oil officials who told him that Gull Island would be kept under wraps, limiting domestic supplies so Americans would someday see prices hit up to $10 a gallon at the pump.

“Every issue in the world today relates to crude oil,” said Williams. The U.S. occupation of Iraq and the saber rattling about attacking Iran fit into the crude oil matrix.

Iran is being targeted because it’s one of several countries that want to use their own currencies for oil sales, rather than using the U.S. dollar. Williams told AFP that any country that doesn’t want to “play ball” with the U.S. government and the financial and oil interests is, in essence, put on a hit list.

The United States, he said, learned that Iran intended to form its own bourse and not use the dollar for oil sales. Therefore, the notion that Iran is a menacing “almost-nuclear” country was trumped up, presented as fact via the corporate media and Iran is now in the crosshairs.

Other nations wanting more independence from U.S. meddling include Norway, Venezuela, Nigeria, Bolivia, Sweden and Russia.

The 30-year plan, which was first proposed three decades ago and is nearing fruition, included smug assurances from oil officials that the United States will triple its crude-oil usage and alternative fuels will not be allowed to gain enough ground to make a difference. They also noted that all foreign oil production will be scaled back to the United States and that Americans soon will pay $4 to $5 a gallon at the pump and could pay as much as $7 to $10 down the road.

In the early 1960s crude oil was selected as a tool of world control, Williams said, adding, “What we pay at the gas pump is a form of taxation.” The American consumer’s dependence on crude oil thus far has enabled people from foreign oil-producing nations to buy T-bills (U.S. treasury notes) in order to support the U.S. national debt and continued deficit spending. The need to support that debt puts the U.S. government in a bind, forcing Americans to remain dependent on foreign oil.

Williams, as a chaplain in 1970 when the trans-Alaskan oil pipeline was finished, ministered among the pipeline workers. However, as time passed he made a favorable impression with the top brass and was asked to improve worker-company relations. Next thing he knew, he said he was sitting at meetings of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and various meetings of oil executives over a three-year period.

He told AFP that the IMF-World Bank acts as a middleman between oil producing nations and refineries. In so doing, they set oil prices, he said.

The big event in that three-year period was in 1977 when an Atlantic Richfield oil executive told him, “We have just drilled into the largest pool of oil in North America—[and] in the world!”

That pool was Gull Island. It was said that there was enough natural gas to supply America for 200 years. But to this day, “not one drop” of that oil has been released to American refineries, Williams said.

Williams said the executive had warned him that the Gull Island find was highly classified. Do not repeat any of this, he was told. Obviously, that warning did not stop him.

(Issue #33, August 14, 2006)

3 posted on 06/07/2008 10:49:44 AM PDT by Bommer (A Third Party can win when Republicans and Democraps stand for the same thing!)
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To: Exton1


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To: Exton1

While your larger point is right, some of your details are not. 47 million people in the US do not have health insurance. 15 million are illegals and their anchor cchildren. 15 million more or less are young people who ignore health insurance because it costs $11.00/week or work off-books so they don’t have to take a pre-employment drug screen.Most of the rest qualify for existing programs.
5.4% of the workforce are unemployed; this includes many illegals also, because the numbers are adjusted for total workforce. Probably 11 million citizens are unemployed now, mostly communications and art history majors.

6 posted on 06/07/2008 11:02:32 AM PDT by steve8714 (If they leave you alone are you free or at peace?)
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To: Exton1

While I agree that the liberal whackos are keeping us from drilling for oil, I don’t believe some of this guy’s kooky ideas about Iran. We are targeting Iran because they’re a terrorist nation, led by an insane jihadist, that threatens the world’s security.

9 posted on 06/07/2008 11:17:05 AM PDT by NoobRep
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To: Exton1

The solution to the energy problem is to get rid of the current Congressmorons, and elect people who have a few ounces of common sense.

15 posted on 06/07/2008 11:35:40 AM PDT by pleikumud
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To: Exton1

Not the envirowacko’s, it’s the socialists amoung us.

Read this and I think you will agree the oil industry has already been Nationalized in the US;

It was common in those days, as it is in ours, to identify the Communists as leftist and the Nazis as rightists, as if they stood on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. But Mises knew differently. They both sported the same ideological pedigree of socialism. “The German and Russian systems of socialism have in common the fact that the government has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how. It allots to each individual a share of consumer’s goods for his consumption.”

The difference between the systems, wrote Mises, is that the German pattern “maintains private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary prices, wages, and markets.” But in fact the government directs production decisions, curbs entrepreneurship and the labor market, and determines wages and interest rates by central authority. “Market exchange,” says Mises, “is only a sham.”

Mises’s account is confirmed by a remarkable book that appeared in 1939, published by Vanguard Press in New York City (and unfortunately out of print today). It is The Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism by Guenter Reimann, then a 35-year old German writer. Through contacts with German business owners, Reimann documented how the “monster machine” of the Nazis crushed the autonomy of the private sector through onerous regulations, harsh inspections, and the threat of confiscatory fines for petty offenses.

“Industrialists were visited by state auditors who had strict orders to examine the balance sheets and all bookkeeping entries of the company or individual businessman for the preceding two, three or more years until some error or false entry was found,” explains Reimann. “The slightest formal mistake was punished with tremendous penalties. A fine of millions of marks was imposed for a single bookkeeping error.”

Reimann quotes from a businessman’s letter: “You have no idea how far state control goes and how much power the Nazi representatives have over our work. The worst of it is that they are so ignorant. These Nazi radicals think of nothing except ‘distributing the wealth.’ Some businessmen have even started studying Marxist theories, so that they will have a better understanding of the present economic system.

“While state representatives are busily engaged in investigating and interfering, our agents and salesmen are handicapped because they never know whether or not a sale at a higher price will mean denunciation as a ‘profiteer’ or ‘saboteur,’ followed by a prison sentence. You cannot imagine how taxation has increased. Yet everyone is afraid to complain. Everywhere there is a growing undercurrent of bitterness. Everyone has his doubts about the system, unless he is very young, very stupid, or is bound to it by the privileges he enjoys.

“There are terrible times coming. If only I had succeeded in smuggling out $10,000 or even $5,000, I would leave Germany with my family. Business friends of mine are convinced that it will be the turn of the ‘white Jews’ (which means us, Aryan businessmen) after the Jews have been expropriated. The difference between this and the Russian system is much less than you think, despite the fact that we are still independent businessmen.”

As Mises says, “independent” only in a decorous sense. Under fascism, explains this businessman, the capitalist “must be servile to the representatives of the state” and “must not insist on rights, and must not behave as if his private property rights were still sacred.” It’s the businessman, characteristically independent, who is “most likely to get into trouble with the Gestapo for having grumbled incautiously.”

“Of all businessmen, the small shopkeeper is the one most under control and most at the mercy of the party,” recounts Reimann. “The party man, whose good will he must have, does not live in faraway Berlin; he lives right next door or right around the corner. This local Hitler gets a report every day on what is discussed in Herr Schultz’s bakery and Herr Schmidt’s butcher shop. He would regard these men as ‘enemies of the state’ if they complained too much. That would mean, at the very least, the cutting of their quota of scarce and hence highly desirable goods, and it might mean the loss of their business licenses. Small shopkeepers and artisans are not to grumble.”

“Officials, trained only to obey orders, have neither the desire, the equipment, nor the vision to modify rules to suit individual situations,” Reimann explains. “The state bureaucrats, therefore, apply these laws rigidly and mechanically, without regard for the vital interests of essential parts of the national economy. Their only incentive to modify the letter of the law is in bribes from businessmen, who for their part use bribery as their only means of obtaining relief from a rigidity which they find crippling.”

Says another businessman: “Each business move has become very complicated and is full of legal traps which the average businessman cannot determine because there are so many new decrees. All of us in business are constantly in fear of being penalized for the violation of some decree or law.”

Business owners, explains another entrepreneur, cannot exist without a “collaborator,” i.e., a “lawyer” with good contacts in the Nazi bureaucracy, one who “knows exactly how far you can circumvent the law.” Nazi officials, explains Reimann, “obtain money for themselves by merely taking it from capitalists who have funds available with which to purchase influence and protection,” paying for their protection “as did the helpless peasants of feudal days.”

“It has gotten to the point where I cannot talk even in my own factory,” laments a factory owner. “Accidentally, one of the workers overheard me grumbling about some new bureaucratic regulation and he immediately denounced me to the party and the Labor Front office.”

Reports another factory owner: “The greater part of the week I don’t see my factory at all. All this time I spend in visiting dozens of government commissions and offices in order to get raw materials I need. Then there are various tax problems to settle and I must have continual conferences and negotiations with the Price Commission. It sometimes seems as if I do nothing but that, and everywhere I go there are more leaders, party secretaries, and commissars to see.”

In this totalitarian paradigm, a businessman, declares a Nazi decree, “practices his functions primarily as a representative of the State, only secondarily for his own sake.” Complain, warns a Nazi directive, and “we shall take away the freedom still left you.”

In 1933, six years before Reimann’s book, Victor Klemperer, a Jewish academic in Dresden, made the following entry in his diary on February 21: “It is a disgrace that gets worse with every day that passes. And there’s not a sound from anyone. Everyone’s keeping his head down.”

It is impossible to escape the parallels between Guenter Reimann’s account of doing business under the Nazis and the “compassionate,” “responsible,” and regulated “capitalism” of today’s U.S. economy today. At least the German government was frank enough to give the right name to its system of economic control.

Here is the link for this article:

17 posted on 06/07/2008 11:39:37 AM PDT by stockpirate (McCain betrayed his conservative roots, conservatives, his party and America.)
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To: Exton1
Can anyone tell me if GWB could issue an executive order to ok drilling for oil and natural gas in some of the known reserve locations? I know he probably wouldn't but would it work if he did?
18 posted on 06/07/2008 11:42:37 AM PDT by toomanylaws
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To: Exton1

This is a pile.

22 posted on 06/07/2008 11:52:24 AM PDT by RightWhale (We see the polygons)
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To: Exton1


30 posted on 06/07/2008 12:06:05 PM PDT by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
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To: Exton1
It was said that there was enough natural gas to supply America for 200 years. But to this day, “not one drop” of that oil(?? Oil or Gas) has been released to American refineries, Williams said.
31 posted on 06/07/2008 12:07:25 PM PDT by AmericaUnited
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To: Exton1
"Why do our U.S. Senators stand by while watching this accelerating nightmare of 182,000 invaders added to our country ever 30 days?"

Because the invasion is a big part of the plan to bring down the Republic.

32 posted on 06/07/2008 12:07:30 PM PDT by penowa
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To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; george76; ...

Market Drowns in Sea of Oil; Dow Dives 325
FoxBusiness | 6-6-08 | Matt Egan
Posted on 06/06/2008 12:09:55 PM PDT by Blood of Tyrants

Lord Lawson claims climate change hysteria heralds a ‘new age of unreason’
telegraph | April 6, 2008 | Christopher Booker
Posted on 06/02/2008 9:33:04 AM PDT by Tolik

38 posted on 06/07/2008 12:47:13 PM PDT by SunkenCiv ( updated Friday, May 30, 2008)
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To: Exton1
Alaska’s Gull Island Oil Fields Could Power U.S. for 200 Yrs

I doubt the accuracy of that figure. There are 4 trillion recoverable barrels of oil there?
42 posted on 06/07/2008 1:05:42 PM PDT by mysterio
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To: Exton1

Sorry, I did the math wrong. There are 1.46 X 10^12 barrels of oil in Alaska? Is that your claim?

43 posted on 06/07/2008 1:09:24 PM PDT by mysterio
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To: Exton1

” we are being lied to and manipulated”

I can’t get over that feeling. This whole oil price thing is being string-pulled from behind the scenes. When that sort of thing happens, it’s always the New World Order: big, central bankers, certain corporation heads, Bilderbergers - - the usual suspects.

49 posted on 06/07/2008 1:44:34 PM PDT by RoadTest ( Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. But he spake of the temple of his body.)
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To: Exton1
I'm not necessarily averse to a conspiracy theory now and again, but a little bit of research shows this island to lie within the Prudhoe Bay field, so I don't understand what exactly his claim is.
51 posted on 06/07/2008 2:12:14 PM PDT by B Knotts (Calvin Coolidge Republican)
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To: Exton1

You do realize that when Environmentalists raised a voice about our border situation it was to criticize border fencing because we might separate different animals or plants from each other. It is kind of funny, whenever they slip away from the Environment into other political issues they usually take the views of the Left-Wing with them. If I can recall even on the First Earth Day there was some disputes because some of the organizers also wanted to utilize being Anti-War along with being Pro-Environmentalist. I read it on here, I think when a post was about how Lenin’s B-day coincides with Earth Day.

If you think that Environmentalists or other one-issue groups are just one-issue think again. Somehow, somewhere, there are Leftists who have little pet issues while they are marching against the Iraq War. It is all the same thing, if you ask most Environmentalists they will say that overpopulation is bad and that human beings are a cancer but they live in this rainbow world of co-existence with people, even Illegal Aliens and Terrorist Sympathizers because it is the Hippie thing to do.

Not saying all Illegal Aliens are bad, but if they are coming from a country which has corruption like that of one of our corrupt big cities and they are flowing in by the millions, along with many of them non-subtlety addressing that they were here first(Reconquista anyone?) than a problem is among us. And yes I do agree that much of our political crisis highlighted by Democrats is due to them. This is the same country where we have politicians granting driver’s licenses to Illegal aliens meanwhile pushing a guy from a real dictatorship like Cuba back. That is truly bizzaro world.

52 posted on 06/07/2008 2:14:28 PM PDT by Merta (They Call Me The Ranting Man)
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To: Exton1

“CRS Report for Congress
Received through the CRS Web
Order Code RS22142
May 6, 2005”
Worth reading as to whether crude is being shipped to Japan.

53 posted on 06/07/2008 2:17:39 PM PDT by count-your-change (you don't have to be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
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To: Exton1
You won't find a Gull Island (in Prudhoe Bay) on Google or Yahoo maps - they point you to the Gull Island near Stevens in the middle of a river, and if you scroll upto Prudhoe, there's no Gull Island there.

I did find it on a navagational chart Link

It would take very little to build a causeway over to the island, or even find a point onshore to drill into the deposit. I find it hard to believe this easily accessable resource would be ignored.

55 posted on 06/07/2008 2:53:18 PM PDT by PeaceBeWithYou (De Oppresso Liber! (50 million and counting in Afganistan and Iraq))
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