They’re not ‘conserving’ it for anything. Their guiding principle is that we should use less energy. And, they are quite content to force the rest of us to use less by restricting supplies and increasing costs to where we are forced to use less.
Exactly, but they keep SAYING they want to "CONserve", rather then "PREserve" (not use ever) it. This is known as lying, and we keep letting them get away with it.
Lunatics just like that are why we don't have any new nuclear poer plants and why the US went from one of the top producers of oil to WAY down in the ranks during the Clinton administration. And don't even get me started on logging. They have been proven over and over again to have no clue what they are talking about, and yet because they are given enough of a voice to convince the public there is a majority which does not, in fact exist (climate change "consensus", anyone), the public shuts it's collective eyes and lets these blind, narrow lunatics lead our energy policy.